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The little bent man's voice had lost much of its life. "Yes, Brother Seth, if I'm able." "Well, I hope you are." He arose and looked at the sky. "Looks as if we might have some falling weather. They say it's been moisting quite a bit up Cedar way. Well, good night, all!" When he was gone the matter of his visit was not referred to. With some constraint they talked a little while of other things.

"It was moisting when we started, and pretty soon it clouded up and the dark came on, and I felt beat. We got fair locoed. We'd go down one road and then back the same way. We stopped to ask everybody. Then we found the two autos sent out by the police. I told the cops again what would happen to 'em from me the minute the kids was found the kids or their bodies.

It wasn't moisting any more it was raining for fair; and we done some ground-and-lofty skidding before we got there. We found the stone wall all right and the slope leading up to the woods; but, my Lord, there was a good half mile of it! We strung out four cops and my driver and me hundreds of yards apart and all yelling, so maybe the poor lost things would hear us.

I bet it's falling weather over in Surprise Valley. A good moisting wouldn't hurt us any either." That seemed to be about all. Yet I was loath to leave the topic. I still had a warm glow in my heart for the aged couple, and I could hear Uncle Henry's bottle of adolescent peach brandy laughing to itself from where it was lashed to the back of my saddle. I struck in the only weak spot in the wall.