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Nevertheless, a resolution as amended by Tilak was adopted which, without mentioning the word "boycott," pledged the Congress to encourage its practice. But there was considerable heartburning, and the Moderates were suspected of contemplating some retrograde move at the following annual session.

"It will perhaps be said, that in particular instances evil necessarily results from that constitution of things which is best upon the whole, and that Providence occasionally interferes, and supplies the defects of the constitution in these particulars; but this notion will appear not to be supported by those facts which are said to be providential; it will always be found that Providence interposes too late, and only moderates the mischief which it might have prevented.

Among the Scottish Moderates there was a keen ambition for literary distinction; but it was the more prized the more remote the fields in which it was won lay from a minister's peculiar work. This led the Evangelicals to discountenance literary productivity, which they regarded as springing from unholy motives and as likely to distract the mind from the true ends of the ministry.

For none fought the battle of the Moderates more steadfastly and faced the rowdiness of the "Non-co-operationists" more fearlessly than Mr. Srinivasa Sastri, who had succeeded him as the head of his "Servants of India" Society, and Professor Paranjpe, who had long been closely associated with him in educational work at the Ferguson College in Poona.

"Berryer, alone on his bench, does not know which way to turn; if he had sixty votes, he would often scotch the wheels of the Government and upset Ministries!" "The Duc de Fitz-James is to be nominated at Toulouse." "You will enable Monsieur de Watteville to win his lawsuit." "If you vote for Monsieur Savarus, the Republicans will vote with you rather than with the Moderates!" etc., etc.

Solomin remarked that there were two ways of waiting, waiting and doing nothing and waiting while pushing things ahead at the same time. "We don't want moderates," Markelov said angrily. "The moderates have so far been working among the upper classes," Solomin remarked, "and we must go for the lower." "We don't want it! damnation! We don't want it!" Golushkin bawled out furiously.

I know that many Moderates hold honestly the view that it is a sin to resort to non-co-operation. I respectfully agree to differ from them. I do say to them also that they will fall into a trap which they will have devised if they seek election. But that does not affect my situation.

By the way, Maltravers, we had an unexpectedly stormy night the last of the session strong division ministers hard pressed. I made quite a good speech for them. I suppose, however, there will be some change the moderates will be taken in. Perhaps by next session I may congratulate you." Ferrers looked hard at Maltravers while he spoke.

During all the middle, and for the first part of the morning watch, it blows as hard as ever, but toward daybreak it moderates considerably, and we shake a reef out of each topsail, and set the top-gallant-sails over them; and when the watch come up, at seven bells, for breakfast, shake the other reefs out, turn all hands to upon the halyards, get the watch-tackle upon the top-gallant sheets and halyards, set the flying-jib, and crack on to her again.

Emotion overcame all the members of the Council; the moderates and the waverers were drawn along by the ardor of the prelates personally attached to the Pope, or nobly resolved upon sustaining their convictions even to the end.