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"Mutiny! mutiny!" shouted Mr Scoones; but the men, who saw as clearly as the second mate the importance of shortening sail, continued their work. Even the boys, although holding him in dread, instigated by Owen and Nat, remained aloft, until they had handed the mizen-royal and topgallant sail, and close reefed the topsail.

The next morning demonstrated the correctness of Captain Blyth's surmise; for daylight found them with the breeze still steady at about east by south, and so fresh that they were compelled to keep all their skysails and the mizen-royal stowed.

"What do you mean by that uproar, on the mizen-royal yard," I called out angrily for the style of my ship had now become an object of concern with me. "Keep silence, sir, or I'll find a way to instruct you in the art." "Lord! masser Mile " cried the negro, pointing eagerly towards the schooner "there go Pretty Poll." It was our old craft sure enough, and I hailed her, incontinently.

All the sails were to be bent, and I had my full share in the performance of this duty. I actually furled the mizen-royal with my own hands the ship carrying standing royals and it was said to be very respectably done; a little rag-baggish in the bunt, perhaps, but secured in a way that took the next fellow who touched the gasket five minutes to cast the sail loose.