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"I beg your pardon, ma'am, for my mistake; I supposed it was some other lady of the same name; there are so many Burrages. Only three yards did you say, ma'am?" "Nay, I don't care if you give me four. I'm of the Burrages of Dorsetshire." "A very good family, those Burrages of Dorsetshire, as any in England," said Lady Di. "and put up twelve yards of this for me, Mrs. Puffit."

It was worse than I dreamt: not two or three people, but all that crowd were victims of the mistake; all of them had heard that the king was in Strelsau ay, and had seen him. "Where is he? Where is he?" I asked, and followed her hastily to the room. The queen and Rudolf were standing side by side. What I have told from Helga's description had just passed between them. Rudolf ran to meet me.

. . . I must take this opportunity to rectify a small mistake in my last letter, relating to the Abbaye of St. Amand, of which I had been informed that the Pretender's younger Son, the Cardinal, was Abbot. It is the Abbaye of Aucline of which he is Commendatory, and which is at much about the same distance from Lille as the other. Apparently the warrant against Jemmy Dawkins was not executed.

He said that the Art of the Future must depend on the development of wireless telegraphy, and that in the meanwhile he was just marking time with earthquakes." Tilda, having read thus far, looks up at the sound of horses' hoofs. Miss Sally and Sir Elphinstone are returning from their ride. "And, after all, why not?" Miss Sally is saying. "The very mistake his father made!"

It would be better not to make any hard-and-fast arrangement about your departure, as I may be able to persuade you to take some drives with me to see something in this neighborhood." "AUTUN. November 2, 1890. "I received the 'Quarterly' this morning, and read your article. Towards the close, you say every Frenchman in the provinces works. That, I am sorry to say, is a mistake.

This creepy feeling is sometimes the result of cold, and some extra clothing may remove it. See Underwear. Sleep. No greater mistake could be made than to curtail the hours of sleep. Eight hours should be taken as a minimum, and any weak person should take ten hours. More and better work can be done by a person who takes fully eight hours' sleep than by one who tries to do with less.

No, William thought again and again, "It was myself I deluded and persisted in cajoling; had she been worthy of the love I gave her, she would have returned it long ago. It was a fond mistake. Isn't the whole course of life made up of such? And suppose I had won her, should I not have been disenchanted the day after my victory? Why pine, or be ashamed of my defeat?"

A period of unconsciousness succeeds. He wakes, cold and wretched. The dull, gray light of morning is stealing into the cell, and falls upon the form of the attendant turnkey. Confused by his dreams, he starts from his uneasy bed in momentary uncertainty. It is but momentary. Every object in the narrow cell is too frightfully real to admit of doubt or mistake.

There is an old saying, sir, of high authority `Bring up a child in the way he should go, and he will not depart from it. I instructed that boy, sir; but alas! what avails the instruction of a preceptor when a father leads a child into evil ways?" "That's the truth, and no mistake," replied McShane. "So the boy ran away? Yes; I recollect now. And what became of the father?"

You were, once, and able to eat me, as you were pleased to phrase it; but there has been a diminishing, and I am now able to eat you. The yeast has grown stale." He gave a short, disagreeable laugh. "I see you're working my philosophy back on me for all it is worth. But don't make the mistake of under-estimating me. For your own good I warn you." "Since when have you become a philanthropist?"