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Though I cannot tell why it was exactly that those stage managers, the Fates, put me down for this shabby part of a whaling voyage, when others were set down for magnificent parts in high tragedies, and short and easy parts in genteel comedies, and jolly parts in farces though I cannot tell why this was exactly; yet, now that I recall all the circumstances, I think I can see a little into the springs and motives which being cunningly presented to me under various disguises, induced me to set about performing the part I did, besides cajoling me into the delusion that it was a choice resulting from my own unbiased freewill and discriminating judgment.

There was no cajoling any of them; even the pretty, ridiculously young thing who taught Spanish maintained a Gibraltar-like firmness. "You'll simply have to study, Jimsy, that's all," said Honor. "Study, yes, but that's not learning, Skipper!" I'm pretty slow in the head!" "I know you are," said Honor, sighing. "Of course, you've been so busy with other things.

After vain cajoling of the angry youngster, Alfred bore him excitedly to Zoie's bedside. "You'd better take him, dear," he said. To the young husband's astonishment, Zoie waved him from her in terror, and called loudly for Aggie. But no sooner had Aggie appeared on the scene, than a sharp whistle was heard from the pavement below. "Pull down the shade!" cried Zoie frantically.

'Then tell him he mustn't undress in my hall, said a voice from the stair-head. 'Tell her Lingnam began. 'Come and look at the pretty suit I've chosen, Penfentenyou cooed, as one cajoling a maniac. I staggered out-of-doors again, and fell into the car, whose ever-running machinery masked my yelps and hiccups.

He rode after us with his Lowlanders, protesting, threatening, cajoling in vain. Many a remonstrance, too, made Gordon, many an opening fire he stamped out in cot and bam. But the black smoke of the granary belching against the white hills, or the kyloe, houghed and maimed, roaring in its agony, or the fugitive brought bloody on his knees among the rocks God's mercy!

"But, Mark, my dear fellow " said Sowerby, trying to have recourse to the power of his cajoling voice. Robarts, however, would not listen. "Mr. Sowerby," said he, with an attempt at calmness which betrayed itself at every syllable, "it seems to me that you have robbed me.

If his Paula had a little way of cajoling the amount out of her sister's pocket, why not? He had never refused a friend in need, and, in truth, could see no use for money except to spend it. If all the world did not wag his way, so much the worse for cold-blooded mercenary superfluous beings.

It was easy to see that the first woman who chose would make a fool of him, or the first robe I count a priest and a woman all the same. We are always caballing; we are not answerable for the fibs we tell; we are always cajoling and coaxing, or threatening; and we are always making mischief, Colonel Esmond mark my word for that, who know the world, sir, and have to make my way in it.

I hate everything that savors of cajoling and coaxing. All such ways are mere attempts to throw dust in men's eyes, mere forms of coquetry and stratagem. A professor is the priest of his subject; he should do the honors of it gravely and with dignity. September 9, 1879. "Non-being is perfect.

The ideal poisons for me all imperfect possession. And I abhor useless regrets and repentance." It is the same, at bottom, with his professional work. He protects the intellectual freedom, as it were, of his students with the same jealousy as he protects his own. There shall be no oratorical device, no persuading, no cajoling of the mind this way or that.