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The splendor of the glamour thus cast over the imaginations and sentiments of the people was all the more effective because it was an effluence from the mind of a statesman who, of all other statesmen of the country, was deemed the most practical, and the least deluded by any misguiding lights of fancy and abstract speculation.

Our teachers must pass an examination though the examiner sometimes does not know as much as the candidate, for misguiding the youthful mind; the lawyer cannot practice without study and a formal admission to the bar; and even the clergyman is not accepted in any responsible charge until he has given evidence of some moral and intellectual fitness.

It is not to disparage God to say that He could not form man without giving him self-esteem; that this self-esteem could not lead him without misguiding him almost always; that his passions are necessary, but that they are disastrous; that propagation cannot be executed without desire; that desire cannot animate man without quarrels; that these quarrels necessarily bring wars in their train, etc.

Our teachers must pass an examination though the examiner sometimes does not know as much as the candidate, for misguiding the youthful mind; the lawyer cannot practice without study and a formal admission to the bar; and even the clergyman is not accepted in any responsible charge until he has given evidence of some moral and intellectual fitness.

I made a balance of my affairs, and stuck it into my book: it should answer very well, but still "I am not given to great misguiding, But coin my pouches will na bide in, With me it ne'er was under hiding, I dealt it free." I must, however, and will, be independent. June 26. Well, if ever I saw such another thing since my mother bound up my head!

Nor is it a wonder if we are oftentimes thus mislead; since we frequently wander from the right way with less excuse for doing so: Men, not seldom, going astray from Reason, when the love of present pleasure is so far from misguiding their variously frail Natures, that its allurements will not retain them in the paths of Vertue; and tho' Reason only has Authority to set Bounds to their desires, they subject both Them, and Her to an Unjust and Arbitrary Dominion, equally Foreign to both: A thing manifest, not only in instances here and there, but in the examples of whole Nations; who either by positive institution, or allow'd of Custom, have transgressed against the plainest prescriptions of Reason, in things so far from gratifying their Appetites, as that they are contrary, and even sometimes grievous to Mens natural desires.

Strive for that which is wanting to you the strength to subdue, to crush for One and you know that One all things else even the misguiding voice of your heart, the treacherous voice of your judgment. But stay! send leeches to the house of the paraschites, and desire them to treat the injured girl as though she were the queen herself. Who knows where the man dwells?"

DON MANUEL. Horror! BEATRICE. Some mighty impulse urged me to the scene Oh, be not angry to thyself I owned The ardent fond desire; with darkening brow Thou listened'st to my prayer, and I was silent, But what misguiding inauspicious star Allured, I know not; from my inmost soul The wish, the dear emotion spoke; and vain Aught else: Diego gave consent oh, pardon me! I disobeyed thee.

In fine, the arguments for liberty may in general be summed in a few very simple forms, as follows: Misguiding is mischievous: therefore guiding is. If the blind lead the blind, both fall into the ditch: therefore, nobody should lead anybody. Lambs and fawns should be left free in the fields; much more bears and wolves. If a man's gun and shot are his own, he may fire in any direction he pleases.

Nor do I think that luuk has had anything to do with Michael's deficiency, unless ye ca' it luuk to be born and edicated in a misguiding religion. Michael's catholicity is at the bottom of his backsliding, ye'll find, if ye look closely into the maiter."