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You see, sir, pointing to his plate, 'you see, sir, dat I am in the way for to regruit mine flesh wid the good viands of Misder Zachary Hardgasdle. "'So, sir, I presume you are come to witness the trial of skill at the old round church? I understand the amateurs expect a pretty sharp contest, said Arne. "'Gondest, echoed Handel, laying down his knife and fork.

Bohlmann told him: "I sbend about dree dousand a year on law und law-babers. Misder Dummer id does for me, but ven he does nod any longer it do, I gifts id you." On the second visit Mrs. Bohlmann said: "I tell my good man that with all the law-business he has, he must get a lawyer for a son-in-law." Peter had not heard Mrs.

I sets me der clock, undt figure dot all oudt, so I haf yust der time to valk here. Der sooner you obens der door, Misder Jack, der sooner I pe on der chob," was the reply of the little man who had been hired to watch the mill, and those strange boxes, during the night. Evidently Hans was "strictly business." He had been hired to watch, and he wanted to be earning his wages as quickly as possible.

How large a balance I could draw against I had not the faintest idea. Possibly this was a trap to throw me into jail as a common swindler attempting to pass worthless checks. But there was no time to hesitate. I drew a check for the amount, signed Henry Wilton's name, and tossed it over to Bockstein. "All ridt," said the senior partner. "Zhust talk it ofer vit Misder Eppner. He goes on der floor."

Then get the sailing boat under way, and Van Ryn will point out to you the spot on Apes' Island from which he and Svorenssen took her " "Nod me, misder; don'd you think id!" suddenly stormed the Dutchman. "You're nod my schibber now, and I don'd dake orders from you or anybody else. Ve're all equal now." "Are we?" said I, slipping my hand into my jacket pocket.

Arne were to be with him at nine o'clock. They go in; Pepusch arrives punctually at the stroke of nine; presently there is a knock, the door is opened, and Handel unexpectedly presents himself. Then follows the scene: "Handel: 'Vat! mein dear friend Hardgasdle vat! you are merry py dimes! Vat! and Misder Golley Cibbers too! ay, and Togder Peepbush as veil! Vell, dat is gomigal.

I cite this, gentlemen, merely as evidence that the disparity between the dollar and the doughnut isn't as great as some suppose." The third member of the committee, who had thus far spoken no word, peered curiously at Hal from above a hooked nose. He was Mintz, of Sheffler and Mintz. "Do I get you righd?" he observed mildly; "you're telling us to go where the selectmen sent Misder Babson."

"'Why, by the mercy of Heaven, and the waders of Aix-la-Chapelle, andt the addentions of mine togders andt physicians, and oggulists, of lade years, under Providence, I am surbrizingly pedder thank you kindly, Misder Custos. Andt you have also been doing well of lade, as I am bleased to hear.

Then, without offering further consolation, the three foremen made ready to take up the remaining chests. "Come on, Yacob," said Jan gruffly. Von Blitz shook his fist at the door across the chamber and thundered his final maledictions. "Sir John says in der letter to Misder Chase dere is a movements on foot in London to settle der contest out of court," volunteered Joost.

Bockstein relieved the embarrassment of the situation by coming in out of breath, with a brave pretense of having been merely consulting a customer in the next room. "You haf exblained to Misder Eppner?" he inquired. "Den all is done. Here is a card to der Board Room. If orders you haf to gif, Eppner vill dake dem on der floor. Zhust gif him der check for margin, and all is vell."