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But here we are once more at our forest-home; and now for a magnificent cup of coffee and a mandioca-cake." "Not to mintion," added Barney, "a juicy steak of Igu Anny, an' a tender chop o' Army Dillo."

The last sheaf of the harvest they put up on a long pole at Christmas, as a thank-offering to the birds fra their care of the crops. My father often told of it." "That would be great," said Jimmy. "Now look how domn slow you are! Why didn't you mintion it at harvest? I'd like things comin' for me to take care of them. Gee! Makes me feel important just to think about it.

"Indeed, your Reverence," replied Peter, "it wasn't necessary to mintion it, considherin' the way she was cut off from among us, widout even time to confess." "But blessed be God," said the daughter, "she received the ointment at any rate, and that of itself would get her to purgatory."

I had experience of informers in the distillery line once. The worst varmin that is ever encouraged in any house or country. The very mintion of them makes me creep all over still. Catty. Then 'tis Carver, they say, that has the oil of Rhodium for them; for they follow and fawn on him, like rats on the rat catcher of all sorts and sizes, he has 'em.

"You've played the divil now," said Terrence, when he read the interview in the next issue of the Baltimore Sun. "Why?" "Never moind, Fernando, I'll not desert ye, and if my one comes to ye about satisfaction, or inything of the kind, and asks you to mintion your frind, sind thim to Terrence Malone, and he will make the arrangements, that's all."

"I'll be wantin'," observed Frank, "to see you in the hollydays faith, that stuff's to be christened yet, Darby so don't go till we have a dish o' discoorse about somethin' I'll mintion to you. As for Peggy Gartland, I'm done wid her; she may marry ould Nick for me."

Mong colonel, ye thraitor, describe th' conversation ye had with Colonel Schneider, th' honorable but lyin' spy or confidential envoy iv th' vin'rable Impror iv Austhrich, may th' divvle fly way with him! But mind ye, ye must mintion no names. "'I know no man more honest, says th' witness. "'Thin your acquaintance is limited to ye'ersilf, says Gin'ral Merceer.

Above all, spake ill of nobody; and if the; masther is harsh upon you, either bear it patiently, or mintion it to the priest, or to some other person of respectability in the parish, and you'll be protected. You'll be apt to meet cruelty enough, my good boy: for there are larned Neros in Munster, who'd flog if the province was in flames.

"Come, let us hear it." "I'll tell you some day, but not now, not now but I will tell you an' I'll let you know the raison thin that I don't mintion it now; in the mane time I'll sit down an take a smoke." "A smoke! why, I never knew you smoked." "Nor I, myself, till last night. This tindher box I was made a present of to light my pipe, when not near a coal.

"Have you got the tinder-box, Larry?" inquired Will, as they were about to start. "Ay, an' the powder an' shot too, not to mintion the bowie-knife. Bad luck to the wild baists as comes to close quarters wid me, anyhow." He displayed an enormous and glittering knife as he spoke, with which he made two or three savage cuts and thrusts at imaginary tigers before returning it to its sheath.