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"NO!" shouted Striped Chipmunk and Peter Rabbit and Bobby Coon and Jimmy Skunk and Reddy Fox all together. "Johnny Chuck has it," said Old Mother West Wind. "It is being happy with the things you have and not wanting things which some one else has. And it is called Con-tent-ment." Little Joe Otter and Billy Mink had been playing together around the Smiling Pool all one sunshiny morning.

Grimm sprang to his feet, jumping quickly about and swinging one arm wildly through the air, the parcel dangling from it like a bulldog hanging on to a coat tail. "Murder!" he screamed. "Take it off! take it off!" Bart had to step down to the rescue. Peter Grimm had drawn a patent mink trap, and was its first victim.

"What are you fellows doing?" asked Jerry Muskrat. "Having some fun," said Billy Mink. "Little Joe Otter has thought of something to do, but I don't know what it is." "Let's make a slide," cried Little Joe Otter. "You show us how," said Billy Mink.

They grew sleek and fat and each day they basked longer in the warm sunshine. They had few rivals. The lynxes were in the heavier timber to the south. There were no wolves. Fisher-cat, marten and mink were numerous along the creek, but these were neither swift-hunting nor long-fanged. One day they came upon an old otter.

+638+. In some cases the figure is that of a mere trickster, a mischievous being, the hero of countless stories, who acts from caprice or malice, though his actions may result in advantage to men. Such are many of the animal forms of the North American Indians: the coyote of the Thompson River Indians, the raven of North British Columbia, the mink and the blue jay of the North Pacific Coast.

"Oh, I thought prob'ly you could play it. You can do 'most everything. Honest, I've never seen nothing like it." "Now you stop, Mr. Wrenn. I know I'm a what was it Mr. Teddem used to call me? A minx. But " "Miss Nelly! You aren't a minx!" "Well " "Or a mink, either. You're a let's see an antelope." "I am not! Even if I can wriggle my nose like a rabbit. Besides, it sounds like a muskmelon.

You will find in his poems the wood pewee, the bluebird, the oriole, the robin, the grouse, the kingfisher, the chipmunk, the mink, the bobolink, the wood thrush, all in their proper places. There are few bird-poems that combine so much good poetry and good natural history as his "Pewee." Here we have a glimpse of the catbird:

He hunts whenever he feels like it, be it day or night, and often covers considerable ground, though nothing to compare with his big, brown, water-loving cousin, Billy Mink. It is because of his wonderful ability to disappear in an instant that he is called Shadow.

"About a mile," said the conductor. "I wouldn't try it if I was you, the walking's fierce." But Miss Mink was not to be turned back. Gathering her skirts as high as her sense of propriety would permit, and grasping her basket she set bravely forth.

Men who trap these cunning small fur-bearing animals never get tired of studying their habits; and the one who enters most fully into the life and instincts of mink, 'coon, marten, otter, fisher, or even the humble muskrat, is the fellow who succeeds best in his business."