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When we had finished, and were starting off, she came out again; Falkenberg had got back his courage now, and, taking advantage of her kindness offered to tune the piano. "Can you tune pianos too?" she asked, in surprise. "Yes, indeed; I tuned the one on the farm down below." "Mine's a grand piano, and a good one. I shouldn't like it...." "Fruen can be easy about that." "Have you any sort of...."

Dockwrath, and I dare say you may know what you're about." "Well; I rather think I do, Mr. Moulder." "Mine's different. Now when one gentleman thinks one thing and another thinks another, there's nothing for it in my mind but for each gentleman to back his own. That's about the ticket in this country, I believe." "That's just as a gentleman may feel disposed," said Dockwrath. "No it ain't.

"And I too," said Emma. "Well, then, if that will at all relieve your minds, it is easily done," said Mr Campbell; "let us all load our rifles, and put them back in their rests." "Mine's loaded," said John. "And the rest soon shall be," said Alfred, "even the three appropriated for your use, mother and cousins.

He asked with constraint, "Did this critical attitude make you laugh out, in the tent?" "I wouldn't tell you why I laughed," Fran declared, "for a thousand dollars. And I've seen more than that in my day." They walked on. He was silent, she impenetrable. At last she said, in a changed voice, "My name's Fran. What's yours?" He laughed boyishly. "Mine's Abbott."

She looked round into his face. "Jon, you're rather a darling." And she pressed his hand against her waist. Jon almost reeled from happiness. A yellow-and-white dog coursing a hare startled them apart. They watched the two vanish down the slope, till Fleur said with a sigh: "He'll never catch it, thank goodness! What's the time? Mine's stopped. I never wound it." Jon looked at his watch.

"Weel, it's neither your affair nor mine's," said the first. And they parted, the one upon his errand, and the other back into the house. This looked as ill as possible. I was scarce gone and they were sending already for James More, to whom I thought Mr. Simon must have pointed when he spoke of men in prison and ready to redeem their lives by all extremities.

With an instinct of self-protection she refused to tell her surname. 'Well, mine's Reddin, he said crossly; 'and why you're so dark about yours I don't know, but up you get, anyway. The sun came out in Hazel's face. He helped her up, she was so stiff with cold.

"Mine's Thomas Jackson, sir; and the bo'sun's name it is Fall Andrew Fall. And the passenger, sir? Steerage he was: he was called Mackay." "No, he warn't," said the boatswain, in a gruff tone. "Saving your presence, sir, his name was Smith." "Mackay," said the mate, with equal positiveness.

Mine's only started to turn, Harry, is why it don't look right yet to you. This dress, it's from her own dressmaker. Harry I promise you I can make myself like her I promise you, Harry " "For God's sake, Millie, don't talk like that! It's awful! What's those things got to do with it? It's awful!" "They have, Harry. They have, only a man don't know it.

John Mine's Catechism; and C.C. Jones's Catechism of Scripture, Doctrine and Practice Designed for the Original Instruction of Colored People. Bishop Meade was once engaged in collecting such literature addressed particularly to slaves in their stations. These extracts were to be read to them on proper occasions by any member of the family.