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In no conceivable way could he have learned these things yet he knew them and fears crowded as they wondered what else he might know as well. But Halloway allowed them little leisure for abstract reflection. "I've done throwed away them guns. I reckon ye knows whether mine's loaded or not I don't.

Jest last week it was, and the river come round the corner on us in a wave four feet high, same as a wall. I was up here on business, and seen the whole thing. So the ferry she up and bid us good-bye, and lit out for Astoria with her cargo. Beggin' pardon, hev you tobacco, for mine's in my wet pants?

"Mine's lying down to rest," Jimmie went on. "I'm goin' up to feel his pulse." "If he gets a swipe at you, you'll wish you hadn't been so curious about his old pulse," Peter observed. But Jimmie did not at once go toward the wounded beast. The great cat lifted its head, gave a cry that echoed and re-echoed through the forest, and sprang for the tree.

"Mine's pinned on," said Prudy; "and I've pricked my fingers. O deary me!" "Well, of course you've waked 'em all now," exclaimed Susy, indignantly: "I might have pricked my fingers to pieces, but I wouldn't have said a word." Mr. and Mrs.

"F'm the woods," he said. "My name is Bruce Steering." "Mine's Piney." They fell then to talking of many things, as they rode toward Poetical, but inevitably they spoke chiefly of the great State of Missouri. On the subject of Missouri the boy talked, as old Bernique had talked, with expansive naïveté. In his roamings he had ridden the State up and down, and had found much to love in it.

Lounsbury turned in his saddle and looked toward the shack. "Marylyn?" he said. "What a pretty name! Sounds like Maryland. How'd she " He paused questioningly. "Mother's name was Mary Lynn," she answered, her voice lowered. "So she just put it together." "And yours?" "Mine's Dallas. I was born in Texas." He leaned back against his high cantle and smiled. "I could 'a' guessed that," he declared.

And there was a curious charm in the hum of the shop, which swelled into a roar if one opened the partition door on a market-day. "Listen to your money!" said Rickie. "I wish I could hear mine. I wish my money was alive." "I don't understand." "Mine's dead money. It's come to me through about six dead people silently."

It was raining really hard now, swishing and dripping out in the darkness, and he whispered: "Our stars would be drowned to-night." "Do you really think we have stars?" "We might. But mine's safe, of course; your hair IS jolly, Sylvia." She gazed at him, very sweet and surprised. Anna did not receive the boy's letter in the Tyrol. It followed her to Oxford.

"No offence, Wowkle," she went on thoughtfully, a moment later, "but I want you to put your best foot forward when you're waitin' on table to-night. This here company o' mine's a man o' idees. Oh, he knows everythin'! Sort of a damme style." Wowkle gave no sign of having heard her mistress' words, but kept right on tidying the room.

My name's Impett Rose Impett." "Mine's Keeves," said Mavis, thinking she may as well be agreeable to those she had to live with. She then went to her boxes and saw that the odd-looking servant had uncorded them. "Thank you," said Mavis. "I dessay it's more than you deserve," remarked the servant. "I daresay," assented Mavis. "Let's have a look at you." "What?"