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'In any case, he said, 'it is all on Milton; there is no digression on public affairs, and much which might have gone in with advantage to the completeness of the story has been entirely passed over, e.g. history of his posthumous fame, Bentley's emendations, et cetera. It almost seemed as if he had a private satisfaction in a literary mishap of this kind: it was an unexpected corroboration of his standing conclusion that this is the most stupid and perverse of all possible worlds.

The date of his birth was probably about the beginning of the century, i.e. he may have been eight or ten years older than Milton. He appears to have first visited England in or about 1628, and from that time, though he made frequent journeys to the Continent, London had been his head-quarters.

Milton alludes to the fact that the constellation of the Bear never sets, when he says: "Let my lamp at midnight hour Be seen in some high lonely tower, Where I may oft outwatch the Bear," etc.

Its current disappears under an elevation called White Hill, and does not come again to light for almost two miles, resembling therein several streams in the United States, notably Lost River in North-eastern Virginia, which has a subterranean course of the same character and about the same length, but has not yet found its Milton or Pope, far superior as it is to its English cousin in natural beauty.

"Daddy picked up the limp little body and carried it to the house. The baby lay so still that at first they thought he was dead. "Milton was terribly frightened, and he cried almost all day; for he knew this dreadful thing had happened because he did not latch the back yard gate and because he had told Daddy a lie about it. "Poor little Marion was taken to the hospital.

"No delay, no rest, no care or thought almost of anything holds me aside until I reach the end I am making for, and round off, as it were, some great period of my studies," he says to a friend. And as the outcome of these five fallow years Milton has left us some of his most beautiful poems.

Having escaped with some difficulty from the vague region of general compliments, which bears the same relation to that of business that Milton informs us the Limbo Patrum has to the sensible and material earth, Christian asked his Grace of Buckingham, with the same blunt plainness with which he usually veiled a very deep and artificial character, whether he had lately seen Chiffinch or his helpmate?

There is a principle of curiosity implanted in us, which leads us, in an especial manner, to investigate our fellow creatures; the eager inquisitiveness with which the mechanic seeks to know the history of his fellow-workmen and the ardour with which the philosopher, the poet, or the historian hunts for details that may familiarize him with, a Descartes or a Newton, with a Milton, a Hume, or a Gibbon spring from the same source.

"Rot, I call it," said Trevor. "If you want to collect something, why don't you collect something worth having?" Just then Renford came back with the supplies. "Thanks," said Milton, "put 'em down. Does the billy boil, young Renford?" Renford asked for explanatory notes. "You're a bit of an ass at times, aren't you?" said Milton, kindly. "What I meant was, is the tea ready?

It was a night for youth and love and bells, and Milton felt this consciously, and felt it by singing: "Stars of the summer night, Hide in your azure deeps, She sleeps my lady sleeps." He was on his way to get Bettie Moss, one of his old sweethearts, who had become more deeply concerned with the life of Edwin Blackler.