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It was all the other way. They were highly satisfied with the young man's antecedents and credentials, and yet Dr. Millar was a good deal taken aback. He had grown to look on nursing as a career for Annie, and to take pride in her excellence in it, as he would have done had she been his son and a young doctor. He could not help feeling as if marriage interfered a little with his views for her.

Treatment has not proved entirely satisfactory in the majority of instances, perhaps because of tardy interference. In a colt's leg sent the author by Mr. Thomas Millar, M.R.C.V.S., of Asquith, Saskatchewan, a careful dissection of the carpal region revealed the fact that in this case the ruptured extensor tendon was due to injury.

Sir Joseph Yates gets a sound drubbing from the same sturdy avenger of literary property, for his share in the celebrated case of Millar versus Taylor, as given in Burrow's Reports.

She had to go away from her mother and father, Dora, and Tray, and face life all by herself as one of the girl-graduates at Thirlwall Hall, St. Ambrose's. Dr. Millar had learnt that she would just be in reasonable time for one of the earlier examinations at the close of the term. Having passed it without difficulty, she might compete for one of the Thirlwall scholarships.

I. Arthur Murphy's Essay on the Life and Genius of Henry Fielding, Esq. This was prefixed to the first collected edition of Fielding's works published by Andrew Millar in April 1762; and it continued for a long time to be the recognised authority for Fielding's life.

"Miss Rose," said Charlie, "let your smile beam on him for one moment, and he can't look cross for the rest of the evening." Rose turned her laughing face to her brother. "Be a good boy, Harry. Good bye." As they returned, Will and Rose went on before, while Graeme lingered with Arthur. "Did you hear what Mr Millar said about the possibility of Harry's being sent West?

That rough market-basket over which the Careys' former servants had grumbled, was like a badge of honour in certain shining eyes far more so than Thirza Dyer's thoroughbred, or Camilla and Gussy Dyer's exquisite hats and dainty parasols. Even Annie Millar was not too old or too wise to refrain from wishing that Mrs.

Graeme's letter was from Will, written after having heard of his sisters being in Merleville, before he had heard of Mrs Snow's recovery. He had thought once of coming home with Mr Millar, he said, but had changed his plans, partly because he wished to accept an invitation he had received from his uncle in the north, and partly for other reasons.

The old-fashioned practice had prevailed in the old-fashioned town, of elderly men, whether bachelors or widowers, ending by marrying for the first or the second time women a score or more years their juniors. Indeed, Dr. Millar was hard upon seventy, though he had till recent bad times carried his years so well that he had looked ten years younger than his actual age. Mrs.

But as soon as the dog caught sight of strangers he would at once leave the sheep and run home by a circuitous route. One such instance Millar particularly mentioned. He had collected a lot of old ewes one night, but had utterly failed, even with "Yarrow's" help, to get them down a steep hill and across Tweed in the dark.