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Hugh thought it would be a beautiful place to live in, so remote from the world, in that still valley, where the only sound was the wind in the copses, the trickle of the mill-leat, and the slow thunder of the dripping wheel within.

Sometimes they were silent, and the next moment they broke into chorus like a pack of hounds, while occasionally there came a shrill rate from one of the old women who watched them from the cottages, calling back some too venturesome boy from the deep water of the mill-leat.

"'Eas fai! and so he is, my Lady, and a terrible job they had to bury mun thunder, lightning and hailstones so big as sloes. Dead he is, and I won't jidge mun but not afore he'd a doed the mischief, for but three weeks afterward my pig falls into the mill-leat.

The children were all down in the meadow below, the little maids mostly sitting in the shade and making nosegays of forget-me-nots; while every boy that could walk, and some of the maids also, were paddling in the little stream or dancing about the bank in chase of such unhappy fish as had been too lazy to leave the shallows when the stream was turned into the mill-leat.

Mugford come in, and asked me what I was 'bout killing a pig at that time o' night; though she knows very well that it was my pig that was drownded in the mill-leat back along in the spring. So I says to her, 'Mrs.

At length came the explosion: a sudden furious assault which sent Reub souse into the paternal mill-leat. The mother cursed Nat forth from the door, and no doubt said a great deal more than she meant. The boy he was just seventeen carried his box down to the Ring of Bells.