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Even to this day he never quite realised how the thing had come about, and Leslie Standing refused to talk of it. All he knew was that as mill-boss of an obscure mill, far in the interior of Quebec, away down south of Sachigo, he had fought one of those sudden battles with a lumber-jack which seem to spring up without any apparent reason.

The communist books that Comrade Bannerman had given me taught me to believe that capitalists had no human feelings like ordinary mortals. I therefore expected to find the mill-boss as cunning as the fox and ape combined. I supposed that his word would be worthless as a pledge and would be given only for the purpose of tricking me.

To her imagination it suggested complete failure for her mission. "Is he the owner? Is he Mr. Sternford?" Her questions came in a hushed tone that was almost awed. "No. That's Bat Bat Harker. He's mill-boss." "I see." There was relief in Nancy's tone. But it passed as the seaman continued. "Maybe he's waiting for you though. Are they wise you're coming along?

He listened to the strange mixture of clear thinking and unreasoning faith with a feeling of something like awe of a man whom he had long since given up attempting to fathom. He was a rough lumberman, a mill-boss, who, by sheer force, had raised himself from the dregs of a lumber camp to a position where his skill and capacity had full play.