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It's bad enough for him, but it's simple suicide for you!" "Well, I wanted you to hear it from me," Rachael submitted mildly. "Do you mean to say you've decided, seriously, to do it?" "Very seriously, I assure you!" "How do you propose to do it?" Florence asked after a pause, during which she stared with growing discomfort at her sister-in- law.

Ours was a splendid one, a West Indiaman, almost rivalling the sea-palaces of the East India Company, and manned in the first style. The troops on board, under the command of a field officer, greatly added to the effect and comfort of the thing, for nothing is so conducive to the latter as military discipline, well and mildly maintained.

All the mystical yearnings of the heroine might have found as much satisfaction in the faith of her own race as they find expression in its poetry." He rose to go. "Well, I am to take it for granted you will not write that antidote?" "I'm afraid it would be impossible for me to undertake it," she said more mildly than before, and pressed her hand again to her brow.

"Yes," replied the little doctor, bitterly, "trying to save themselves. How many are trying to save others others except the distant and foreign sinners?" "You surely cannot ignore," replied the father, still speaking mildly, "the immense amount of charitable work done by the churches!" "Yes, I know; charity, charity, the condescension of the rich to the poor.

Mullen talk in the pulpit, you'd think that natur was all hoppin' an' skippin'." "You're a wicked unbeliever," said Reuben, mildly sorrowful, "an' you ought to go home and pray over your thankless doubts." "I'm as I was made," rejoined the other. "I didn't ax to be born an' I've had to work powerful hard for my keep."

"But I wish you could manage to treat her with a little more cordiality. I should feel more comfortable. I could not avoid bringing her here, as you know; nor can I send her away in such inclement weather, or, indeed, at all, till she offers to go; and your want of courtesy toward her to put it mildly is a constant mortification to me."

Horbury's movements on Saturday afternoon and evening, Mrs. Carswell," he said. "This is a most extraordinary business altogether, and I want to account for it. You say he went out just about dusk." Mrs. Carswell repeated the story which she had told to Neale. The two partners listened; Gabriel keenly attentive; Joseph as if he were no more than mildly interested.

Only to himself did Alan speak the name of Mary Standish, just as his father had kept Elizabeth Holt's name sacred in his own heart. Olaf, with mildly casual eyes and strong in the possession of memories, observed how much alike they were, but discretion held his tongue, and he said nothing to Alan of many things that ran in his mind.

The loving smile departed from his face, and was succeeded by a scowl which that old Turk, his father, might have envied. "Stuff and nonsense, my dearest Christina," he exclaimed mildly, and stamped his foot upon the floor of the carriage. "It is a wife's duty to order her husband's dinner; you are my wife, and I shall expect you to order mine." For Theobald was nothing if he was not logical.

'Can you think of your daughter Bella, and sleep? she disdainfully inquired. To which he mildly answered, 'Yes, I think I can, my dear. 'Then, said Mrs Wilfer, with solemn indignation, 'I would recommend you, if you have a human feeling, to retire to bed. 'Thank you, my dear, he replied; 'I think it IS the best place for me. And with these unsympathetic words very gladly withdrew.