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But the hours passed in mirthfulness; the first general feeling of depression began to weigh less and less upon the guests; they had found reason to confide in the solidity of the massive building; there were no positive terrors, no outspoken fears; and the new conviction of all had found expression in the words of the host himself, "Il n'y a rien de mieux a faire que de s'amuser!"

For, although she falls short of true beauty, she has such delicacy of outline, of colouring, an atmosphere so ethereal, that one wants a brush of gossamer dipped in moonlight, not coarse canvas, camel's hair, and oils, if one is even to do her justice. Some day I must try water-colours, or pastels. Sans doute ça ira mieux." He was off on his Pegasus now, far above Mrs Mayhew's bewildered head.

All these cheap delights, the gold, the colors, the garden, the music, the lights, are paid for by the losses of feeble-minded Avarice. But, there I said all this to Ned Severne, and I might as well have preached sense to the wind." "Harrington, I will not play. I am much happier walking with my good brother " "Faute de mieux."

"Diana, don't be an idiot! You'll go to sleep and fall into the garden and break your neck." "Tant pis pour moi. Tant mieux pour toi," she said flippantly. "I have left you all that I have in the world, dear brother. Could devotion go further?" She paid no heed to his exclamation of annoyance, and looked back into the garden.

With such a plentiful supply of the birds, they might now hope to last out until they could procure more palatable food; and those who were "squeamish" in objecting to the fishy odour of the penguins themselves, would faut de mieux find plenty of sustenance in the eggs that there was no doubt would soon be laid in much greater abundance than they either required or could consume.

Coventry rose, and the change was effected. "Well, it is your doing, Coventry. Now she'll overlook YOU." "All the better for me, perhaps. I'm content: Miss Carden will look at the holly, and I shall look at Miss Carden." "Faute de mieux." "C'est mechant." "And I shall fine you both a bumper of champagne, for going out of the English language." "I shall take my punishment like a man."

What is no doubt really wanted is the wholesale removal of all the Colleges connected with the Calcutta University altogether from their present surroundings, but to refuse to make a beginning with the Presidency College is merely to prove once more that le mieux est l'ennemi du bien.

Set down one livre more for that, quoth I. It was but last night, said the landlord, qu'un milord Anglois presentoit un ecu a la fille de chambre. Tant pis pour Mademoiselle Janatone, said I. Now Janatone, being the landlord's daughter, and the landlord supposing I was young in French, took the liberty to inform me, I should not have said tant pis but, tant mieux.

Charles gave her the royal castle of Beauté, on the Marne, near the Bois de Vincennes, “le plus bel chastel et joly et le mieux assis qui fust en l’Isle de France,” desiring, as was said, that she should beDame de Beauté de nom comme de fait.” From the time of her public recognition she appeared with the king at all the brilliant festivities celebrated in honour of treaties and marriages.

And as for my affairs nom de Dieu, the money slips away like water, but the bills never get paid! You saw how it was when you came. And in one little week you go again, with a light heart; while I return, faute de mieux, to my 'wallowing in the mire!" "Mon pauvre Michel!" she said softly. "What a tragedy! You make me wish I was twins!"