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Possessed of singular personal beauty which the masterly portraits of Miereveld attest to the present day tall, brown-haired; straight-featured, with a delicate aquiline nose and piercing dark blue eyes, he was also athletic of frame and a proficient in manly exercises.

Possessed of singular personal beauty which the masterly portraits of Miereveld attest to the present day tall, brown-haired; straight-featured, with a delicate aquiline nose and piercing dark blue eyes, he was also athletic of frame and a proficient in manly exercises.

Possessed of singular personal beauty which the masterly portraits of Miereveld attest to the present day tall, brown-haired; straight-featured, with a delicate aquiline nose and piercing dark blue eyes, he was also athletic of frame and a proficient in manly exercises.

Possessed of singular personal beauty which the masterly portraits of Miereveld attest to the present day tall, brown-haired; straight- featured, with a delicate aquiline nose and piercing dark blue eyes, he was also athletic of frame and a proficient in manly exercises.