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He had made up his mind that he would not hunt for mice. And since he had not promised Simon to give him anything else, there was no reason why he should not eat all the frogs and katydids and locusts that he could find. Perhaps it was not surprising that Simon Screecher never guessed the truth.

There is some advantage in being a saint after all." All this while the coin was lying at the Saint's feet. It was clean and glittering and had the Elector's arms beautifully stamped upon it. The Saint began to reflect that such an opportunity was too rare to be hastily disposed of. Perhaps indiscriminate charity might be harmful to the church mice.

Then their resolution began to waver, and when the old man hinted that they might thus find time to reconsider the matter of the Wherry Mine, they finally gave in, and made up their minds to stay all night. According to the opinion of a celebrated poet, the best-laid plans of men as well as mice are apt to miscarry.

So I pushed the drink around, and felt their grudge against me lessening while Sergeant Inch sang, 'Robin's asleep, for Robin is nice; Robin has delicate habits; But "Whoo!" says the gray Night Owl once, twice, And three times "Whoo!" for the little shy mice, The mice and the rats and the rabbits, "Who-oo!"

His jailers had plainly made sure that it should take time enough for him to make his way into the world, even after he got out of the wine-cellar. The cat had run away to some part of the place where mice were plentiful. Marco was by this time rather gnawingly hungry himself.

Waterton, says that "if this useful bird caught his food by day instead of hunting it by night, mankind would have ocular demonstration of its utility in thinning the country of mice, and it would be protected and encouraged everywhere. It would be with us what the ibis was with the Egyptians."

Look in upon him any time, night or day, and he was apparently wrapped in the profoundest slumber; but the live mice which I put into his box from time to time found his sleep was easily broken; there would be a sudden rustle in the box, a faint squeak, and then silence. After a week of captivity I gave him his freedom in the full sunshine: no trouble for him to see which way and where to go.

The Goblin might be right, but still, he thought, he would like to do something for the church mice before winter came on; they were so very poor. Whilst he was thinking the matter over he was startled by something falling between his feet with a hard metallic clatter.

"O foolish mice!" he cried, "Ye will all take pity on the cat, in order that he may again make a sacrifice of you." Directly the cat saw the horseman, his courage revived. With one bound he sprang from his place as does the tiger on his prey, burst his bonds asunder, and seized five unfortunate mice. The other mice, filled with dismay and terror, ran hither and thither, crying wildly: "Allah!

A low squeak of warning, uttered by the father vole as he dived into his burrow, caused the young mice foraging in the undergrowth to bolt helter-skelter towards home. Kweek, joining in the general panic, rushed across the field, and had almost disappeared underground when he felt the earth and the loose pebbles falling over him, and at the same time experienced a sharp thrill of pain.