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Few mice or rats came in his way, but luck for Baudrons there was an abundance of fish, and the wild birds that Andrew brought home supplied him with many a stolen banquet.

When all this was done, and the army disciplined, and the herald Mouse had duly proclaimed war by challenging the Weasels, the newly chosen generals bound their heads with straws, that they might be more conspicuous to all their troops. Scarcely had the battle begun, when a great rout overwhelmed the Mice, who scampered off as fast as they could to their holes.

Whooping and whistling to disarm their elders' suspicion until the evil deed should be fairly within reach, then mum as mice, stealthily vanishing, becoming part and parcel of the earth, the hedge, the harsh dusky grasses of the sand-hills, the foreshore lumber on the beach.

There was a third figure standing, buttoned up in a surtout, with a bundle of tools under his arm, like a glazier, and, with a silent thrill of fear, she distinctly recognised the features as those of Dudley Ruthyn. ''Twas him, Miss, so sure as I sit here! Well, like that, they were as mute as mice; three pairs of eyes were on me.

Usually interest is stimulated by some incident in the neighborhood or at school a tank of young guppies, a nest of baby mice in someone's cellar, a new baby home from the hospital, a word in the newspaper. With many very young children, concern about their own origin seems to arise spontaneously. "Where did I come from, Mother?"

It was a happy beginning to draw a parallel between the locusts of Joel and the mice of Kilbogie, and gave the preacher an opportunity of describing the appearance, habits, and destruction of the locusts, which he did solely from Holy Scripture, translating various passages afresh and combining lights with marvellous ingenuity.

Against the wall hung, framed and glazed, an officer's commission. Around this were arranged some bark pictures, representing the "Taking of Kustrin" and of "Otchakóf," "The Choice of the Betrothed," and the "Burial of the Cat by the Mice." Near the window sat an old woman wrapped in a shawl, her head tied up in a handkerchief.

I have three little baby mice at home down in the barn. I have never nibbled at anyone's wax face!" "Are you a Mamma mouse?" Uncle Clem asked. "Yes!" the little mouse squeaked, "and if the kitten will let me go I will run right home to my children and never return again!" "Let her go, Boots!" the dolls all cried, "She has three little baby mice at home! Please let her go!" "No, sir!"

Then this Curtius of nibblers made his little speech, not the jargon of common mice, but in the polite language of shrew-mice: 'My lord, I have heard with much concern of your glorious family, of which I am one of the most devoted slaves.

He encouraged mice to play in his study a taste which involved some trouble with his cats, and suggests problems as to the greatest happiness of the greatest number. Kindness to animals was an essential point of his moral creed. 'I love everything, he said, 'that has four legs. He had a passion for flowers, and tried to introduce useful plants.