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It is the explanation of a metaphysician rather than that of an experimental scientist. Such phrases as "matter immediately begins to strive to fashion itself," for example, have no place in the reasoning of inductive science.

Couldn’t think of such a thing,” said the latter calmly, at the same time rising from his seat. The metaphysician stared. “Am supplied at present,” said His Majesty. “Hic-cup! e-h?” said the philosopher. “Have no funds on hand.” “What?” “Besides, very unhandsome in me ” “Sir!” “To take advantage of ” “Hic-cup!” “Your present disgusting and ungentlemanly situation.”

For a considerable sum down, and more to be paid when they should have perfected me in wisdom, I was to be made an airy metaphysician and instructed in the order of the universe. Unfortunately, so far from dispelling my previous ignorance, they perplexed me more and more, with their daily drenches of beginnings and ends, atoms and voids, matters and forms.

Muddlepud, the great metaphysician, in that excellent paper, 'The Asinaeum, was wont to observe, 'the susceptibilities, innate, extensible, incomprehensible, and eternal, existing in my bosom, were infinitely more powerful than the shallow suggestions of reason, that ridiculous thing which all wise men and judicious Asinaeans sedulously stifle."

Much was anticipated from this literary exhibition. The two slaves were ready at repartee, but the utter simplicity of the sultan displayed a blockishness which blunted all edge. The phlegmatic metaphysician and historian only gave a sign of life by repeating the same awkward gesture, and the same ridiculous exclamation, without end.

"Ah! captain," said Candide, "what ransom will you take for Monsieur de Thunder-ten-Tronckh, one of the first barons of the empire, and for Monsieur Pangloss, the profoundest metaphysician in Germany?"

Surely for this loving and lovely child does "the celestial Light Shine inward." Anthropologist, metaphysician, most of all theologian, here is a lesson which can teach you much that you will not find in your primers and catechisms. Why should I call her "poor little Helen"? Where can you find a happier child? SOUTH BOSTON, MASS., March 1, 1890.

To resist, to argue the matter like some miserable metaphysician would have been useless. The persistent image was of the old deep road, the green bank on each side, on which stood thatched cottages, whitewashed or of the pale red of old weathered bricks; each with its plot of ground or garden with, in some cases, a few fruit trees.

If the metaphysician should say, that he refers to an eye of the latter description, then the plain man's answer should be that he has no experience of any such eye that he cannot conceive it that he knows nothing at all about it and that the only eye which he ever thinks or speaks of, is the eye appertaining to, and situated within, the phenomenon which he calls his visible body.

Guert was not a metaphysician; and, at no period of his life, I believe, did he ever enter very closely into the consideration of those fearful questions which were connected with his existence, origin, destination, and position, in the long scale of animated beings.