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The 'Asinaeum, I it is true, only gives three shillings an article in general; but I am its editor, and will intercede with the proprietors on your behalf. Yes, yes; I will see what is to be done. Stop a bit, my boy." Paul, though very irascible, was easily pacified; he reseated himself, and taking MacGrawler's hand, said,

One evening Clifford and his companion Augustus had been enjoying the rational amusement at Ranelagh, and were just leaving that celebrated place when they were arrested by a crowd at the entrance. That crowd was assembled round a pickpocket; and that pickpocket O virtue, O wisdom, O Asinaeum! was Peter MacGrawler!

Rome was not built in a day; and I, Paul, I myself was not always the editor of 'The Asinaeum. You say wisely, criticism is a great science, a very great science; and it maybe divided into three branches, namely, 'to tickle, to slash, and to plaster. In each of these three I believe without vanity I am a profound adept! I will initiate you into all. Your labours shall begin this very evening.

Why, you impudent, ungrateful puppy, would you steal the bread from your old master? If I can obtain for your crude articles an admission into the illustrious pages of 'The Asinaeum, will you not be sufficiently paid, sir, by the honour? Answer me that.

Rome was not built in a day; and I, Paul, I myself was not always the editor of 'The Asinaeum. You say wisely, criticism is a great science, a very great science; and it maybe divided into three branches, namely, 'to tickle, to slash, and to plaster. In each of these three I believe without vanity I am a profound adept! I will initiate you into all. Your labours shall begin this very evening.

The main witness depended on by the crown was now summoned, and the solemn countenance of Peter MacGrawler rose on the eyes of the jury. One look of cold and blighting contempt fell on him from the eye of the prisoner, who did not again deign to regard him during the whole of his examination. The witness of MacGrawler was delivered with a pomposity worthy of the ex-editor of the "Asinaeum."

To be sure, a little ignorance of ordinary facts, and an innovating method of applying words to meanings which they never were meant to denote, were now and then distinguishable in the criticisms of the new Achilles; nevertheless, it was easy to attribute these peculiarities to an original turn of thinking; and the rise of the paper on the appearance of a series of articles upon contemporary authors, written by this "eminent hand," was so remarkable that fifty copies a number perfectly unprecedented in the annals of "The Asinaeum" were absolutely sold in one week; indeed, remembering the principle on which it was founded, one sturdy old writer declared that the journal would soon do for itself and become popular.

As our hero was slowly walking towards the sage's abode, depending on his gratitude and friendship for a temporary shelter, one of those lightning flashes of thought which often illumine the profoundest abyss of affliction darted across his mind. Recalling the image of the critic, he remembered that he had seen that ornament of "The Asinaeum" receive sundry sums for his critical lucubrations.

As our hero was slowly walking towards the sage's abode, depending on his gratitude and friendship for a temporary shelter, one of those lightning flashes of thought which often illumine the profoundest abyss of affliction darted across his mind. Recalling the image of the critic, he remembered that he had seen that ornament of "The Asinaeum" receive sundry sums for his critical lucubrations.

Now, on your oath, remember, were you ever the editor of a certain thing published every Wednesday, and called the 'Athenaeum, or the 'Asinaeum, or some such name?"