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"He has said that just like Horace." I realized the compliment. I liked Elodie. Dress her at whatever Rue de la Paix rag-swindler's that you pleased, you would never metamorphose the daughter of the people that she was into the lady at ease in all company. She was a bit mannieree on her best behaviour. But she had the Frenchwoman's instinctive knowledge of conduct.

Original matter was considered as the elementary cause of all beings, by which they expected literally to work miracles, to transmute the base into noble metals, to metamorphose man in his animal state by chemical processes, to render him more durable, and to secure him against early decline and dissolution.

"You mean to say, then, my dear Monsieur la Ramee " "That unless Monsieur de Beaufort can contrive to metamorphose himself into a little bird, I will continue answerable for him." "Take care! you assert a great deal," said Mazarin.

A picture of the coarse, vulgar England with its incompetent army and navy, apathetic church, and corrupt government, followed by a stirring character sketch of the great Pitt, will cost but a few minutes of the recitation and will metamorphose a moribund attention to a vital interest. Care should be taken that the characterizations given in class be properly prepared.

Time and space are nothing to a man thus enlightened, and so they appeared to me; scarcely a second had elapsed when I found myself standing in the Dalrymples' drawing-room. If a few hours had done much to metamorphose me, certes, they had done something for my fair friends also; anything more unlike what they appeared in the morning can scarcely be imagined.

Of course I know there are plenty of people who are glad enough to have non-existent qualities added to their praises; who do not mind being called young and lusty in their decline, or Nireuses and Phaons though they are hideous; who, Pelias-like, expect praise to metamorphose or rejuvenate them. But they are mistaken.

He had not taken advantage of Yuzitch's offer to introduce him to "the gang," only because he had already determined to take up one of the higher branches of the "profession," namely, to metamorphose white paper into banknotes.

Here are only a few of the changes which may metamorphose the face of Europe as a direct result of enforcing the principle of nationalities. The entrance of Turkey into the quarrel of course brings new factors into the ultimate settlement. Cf. But there is a further point to which Mr.

"You would be screaming, and I shouldn't know what to do for you." "Not if I were an American girl," he replied, bristling with patriotism. "Is your sister plucky?" "As plucky as I am; but perhaps that's not saying much. So you're glad I'm not a girl?" "I wouldn't metamorphose you, and lose my comrade. Still, if your sister were like you, and not an heiress, I should " "You would what?"

The great object in these politics is to metamorphose France from a great kingdom into one great play-table: to turn its inhabitants into a nation of gamesters; to make speculation as extensive as life; to mix it with all its concerns; and to divert the whole of the hopes and fears of the people from their usual channels into the impulses, passions, and superstitions of those who live on chances.