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Harold pulled a love-lock as she answered: "You train your colts, girlie, and they are the better for their training, aren't they?" Peggy gave a quick glance of comprehension, and her lips curved in a smile as she said: "But they never behave half as badly as I used to with Miss Arnaud." And so the Christmas eve was danced away. Christmas morning was the merriest Peggy had ever known.

She wrote, "Very merry Christmas," "The merriest of Xmases," "A merry merry Yuletide," "A Happy Christmas and a Merry New Year," "Christmas Greetings," "Xmas Greetings," "Yuletide Greetings," "Wishing you a " "With loving wishes for " "Affectionate," and so on and so on and on and on. She scribbled and scrawled till slumber drugged her and her pen went crazy.

But man has such a predilection for systems and abstract deductions that he is ready to distort the truth intentionally, he is ready to deny the evidence of his senses only to justify his logic. I take this example because it is the most glaring instance of it. Only look about you: blood is being spilt in streams, and in the merriest way, as though it were champagne.

"Fraulein Gochhausen, you are the most wicked and the merriest mocking-bird God ever created," cried the duchess, "Have done with your scandals, go up to your room, piously say your evening prayers, and stretch yourself upon your maiden bed." "Soon, duchess; only one thing more have I to call your attention to. There is a gossip afloat about the Werthers.

"Hark!" cried Donatello, stopping short, as he was about to bind Miriam's fair hands with flowers, and lead her along in triumph, "there is music somewhere in the grove!" "It is your kinsman, Pan, most likely," said Miriam, "playing on his pipe. Let us go seek him, and make him puff out his rough cheeks and pipe his merriest air!

She said that, being then young, she and Miss Susan undertook a long attendance upon the sick bed of their sister, Miss Kitty, whom I have heard remembered among her contemporaries as the merriest and most entertaining of human beings. This light-hearted young lady was dying of consumption.

We have taken the more pains to describe this person, for two remarkable reasons; the one is, that this unlovely creature was taken in the fact with a very pretty young fellow; the other, which is more productive of moral lesson, is, that however wretched her fortune may appear to the reader, she was one of the merriest persons in the whole prison. Blear-eyed Moll then came up to Mr.

Bonfires were blazing everywhere, at which the people roasted "geese, pigs, capons, partridges, and chickens," while upon all sides were the merriest piping and dancing. Of a sudden, a fiery dragon was seen flying through the air.

"I can climb if I want to, and I do sometimes, but prefer the ground." "Go on, Peter," said Old Mother Nature. "He seems to like old stone walls and rock piles," continued Peter, "and he is one of the brightest, liveliest, merriest and the most lovable of all my friends." "Thank you, Peter," said Striped Chipmunk softly. "I never have been able to find his home," continued Peter.

Henceforth shall we fling Their names up aloft, when the merriest hearted To the Fathers unseen of our life-days we sing. Then was there silence in the ranks of men; and many murmured the names of the fallen as they fared on their way from out the Market- place of Silver-stead.