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Knox began his public career by attacking the Northern Securities merger, against the judgment of some of the highest-paid lawyers of the country. The Supreme Court sustained him. It was the greatest victory the government ever won under the Sherman law. Thereafter Mr. Knox, who had been labeled a corporation lawyer, was proclaimed a trust buster.

Do you really think Lane Fleming was murdered by somebody who wanted to see this merger consummated and who knew that that was an impossibility as long as Fleming was alive?" "Philip, I don't know. And furthermore, I don't give a damn," Rand lied. "If somebody wants me to look into it, and pays me my possibly exaggerated idea of what constitutes fair compensation, I will.

This was followed by an absolute merger of the three roads, in January 1880 the new combination being known as the Union Pacific Railway Company. History of the Line since its completion. Government Indebtedness Absorption Other Lines Receivership Train Robbers Settlement With Government.

Out of the corner of his eye he caught view of the long observation-train, vibrant with animation, the rival colours commingled so that all emblem of collegiate affiliation was lost in a merger of quivering hue. A hill near the starting-line on the other side of the river was black with spectators, who indeed filled points of vantage all down the four miles of the course.

Brady," Gorham continued, "I understand that you made a statement to Mr. Litchfield to the effect that I had personally secured some of the stock in the New York Street Railways Company, with a view to profiting by the advance in price made inevitable by its proposed merger into the Manhattan Traction Company, of which I was cognizant at the time."

From 1885 to 1893, the great panic year, the New York Central each year added to its mileage, either by merger of smaller lines or by construction. All this time it was consolidating the system, eliminating the weaker links, and strengthening the stronger.

Both of you had a motive in this Mill-Pack merger that couldn't have been negotiated while Fleming lived. One or the other of you may be guilty; on the other hand, both of you may be innocent." "Then who...?" Varcek had evidently bet his roll on Dunmore. "There is no one else who could have done it." "The garage doors were open, if I recall," Rand pointed out.

Work is going forward on the merger of European national forces on the Continent into a single army. These great projects should become realities in 1952. We should do all we can to help and encourage the move toward a strong and united Europe. In Asia the new Communist empire is a daily threat to millions of people. The peoples of Asia want to be free to follow their own way of life.

Newberry, there had resulted a merger of four soda-water companies, bringing what was called industrial peace over an area as big as Texas and raising the price of soda by three peaceful cents per bottle. And the last time that Mr. Furlong senior's head had been laid side by side with those of Mr. Rasselyer-Brown and Mr.

Brady other certified checks for some twenty million dollars beyond the par value of the stocks of the various companies included in the merger which has just been consummated." "What are you kickin' about?" demanded Brady. "Ain't that the price you agreed to?" "It is; and I consider the properties worth the price or I should not have agreed to it."