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They may form in any part of the body, but just now we will speak only of those affecting the internal female organs. Tumors may form in the cavity of the womb, in its walls or on the outside of it. The common symptoms are an enlargement of the abdomen accompanied usually by pain due to pressure on the nerves. There also may be some hemorrhage at other than the regular menstrual periods.

One set of nerves causes contraction of the muscular fibers of the uterus, while the other set transmits impulses which bring about its vascular engorgement; and they are probably concerned in bringing about the determination of blood to the uterus and its appendages, which is so marked a feature of the menstrual process.

It remains a good general rule to abstain from sexual intercourse during the menstrual period, but in some cases there may be adequate reason for breaking it. This is so when desire is specially strong at this time, or when intercourse is physically difficult at other times but easier during the relaxation of the parts caused by menstruation.

Periodicity is governed by the Septimal Law or Law of Sevens, which seems to be the basic law governing the vibratory activities of the planetary universe. The harmonics of heat, light, sound, electricity, magnetism and of atomic structure and arrangement run in scales of seven. The Law of Sevens governs the days of the week, the phases of the moon and the menstrual periods of the woman.

The first was that of a young lady, who, after ten years' suppression of the menstrual discharge, exhibited the flow from a vesicular eruption on the finger. The other case was quite peculiar, the woman being a prostitute, who menstruated from time to time through spots, the size of a five-franc piece, developing on the breasts, buttocks, back, axilla, and epigastrium.

It is a secretion of the womb, and, when healthy, ought to be of a bright red color in appearance very much like the blood from a recently cut finger. The menstrual fluid ought not, as before observed, clot. If it does, a lady, during "her periods," suffers intense pain; moreover, she seldom conceives until the clotting has ceased.

Menstruation in large towns is supposed to commence at an earlier period than in the country, and earlier in luxurious than in simple life. CHARACTER. The menstrual fluid is not exactly blood, although, both in appearance and properties, it much resembles it; yet it never in the healthy state clots as blood does.

It also may be displaced by a sudden fall, by jumping or other strenuous exercise. As the womb normally is heavier at the menstrual period than at any other time and as there is a natural congestion then, it is more easily displaced at that time than during any other part of the month. This is one reason why one should be careful not to take strenuous exercise at the menstrual period.

Under ideal circumstances the mother does not menstruate while she nurses her infant; whereas, if the breasts are not in use, the menstrual function returns six to eight weeks after delivery.

And one day, after the menstrual period, the sister of Vasuki, having purified herself by a bath according to custom, approached her lord the great Muni. And thereupon she conceived. And the embryo was like unto a flame of fire, possessed of great energy, and resplendent as fire itself. And it grew like the moon in the bright fortnight.