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The examiners displayed much desire to see her after puberty to note the disposition of the menstrual flow, but no further observation of her case can be found. Fournier narrates that he was called by three students, who had been trying to deliver a woman for five days.

She stated that three or four years previous to her visit, she had had a return of the flow of blood, perhaps twice in the first year, and that during the past year there had been a flow every month about the same that there used to be. This she took to be a return of the menstrual period.

The proportions of the skeleton, the distribution of hair and fat, the construction of organs of attack and defense, the color of the skin, the cyclic processes of preparation for impregnation, the oestrus or heat period in animals, the menstrual period in the human being, the psychic reactions to danger and combat have all been thus determined.

Law cites an instance in a woman of twenty-three, in whom the menstrual discharge was suspended several months. Barnes, Stepanoff, and Field adduce examples of this anomaly. Jouilleton relates an instance of menstruation from the right ear for five years, following a miscarriage. Hemorrhage from the mouth of a vicarious nature has been frequently observed associated with menstrual disorders.

So that the blood is not only the matter of generating the child, but also seed, it being impossible that menstrual blood has both principles.

In view of these facts it is not surprising that sometimes ovarian disorders abolish menstruation. An impoverished state of the blood, or nervous shock and strain, or constitutional debility may also interrupt the regular appearance of the menstrual discharge. The value of menstrual suppression as an evidence of pregnancy is not, however, to be discounted to the extent that we might expect.

There is, indeed, no excretion or product of the body which has not been a source of ecstasy: the sweat from every part of the body, the saliva and menstrual fluid, even the wax from the ears. In the excesses of devout enthusiasm the ascetic performs exactly the same acts as are performed in these excesses of erotic enthusiasm.

Garnier has recently collected a number of observations of fetichism, in which he mentions individuals who have taken sexual satisfaction from the odors of shoes, night-dresses, bonnets, drawers, menstrual napkins, and other objects of the female toilet.

It is thought that, when a mortal woman conceives, an anito woman likewise becomes pregnant, and the two give birth at the same time. According to common belief, supernatural beings have become possessed at times, with menstrual blood or the afterbirth which under their care developed into human offspring, some of whom occupy a prominent place in the tribal mythology.

Many women produce grave disorders by the use of cold douches under the mistaken notion that they are of greater value than hot ones. A douche should be taken at the close of the menstrual period especially. These female organs should not be the source of worry but they do require as much or even more attention to cleanliness than we give to our mouths or other parts of the body.