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The fifteenth we have not heard from for some time. We only know that as a minister's wife her life has not been an idle one. Ten years after graduating she was in ordinary health. The sixteenth. Again we hear no response. "In Memoriam" is written over her grave. The seventeenth lives in Mississippi. She was well when visited by some of our Union boys during the war.

His golden year was 1850, the year of the publication of In Memoriam, of his selection as poet laureate, to succeed Wordsworth, and of his marriage to Emily Sellwood. He had been in love with her for fourteen years, but insufficient income had hitherto prevented marriage.

Gratian, Distinctio, 30, c. 2 Friedberg, i, p. 107: Quecumque mulier, religioni iudicans convenire, comam sibi amputaverit quam Deus ad velamen eius et ad memoriam subiectionis illi dedit, tanquam resolvens ius subiectionis, anathema sit. Cf. Gratian, Causa, 15, Quaest. 3 Friedberg, i, p. 750. Gratian, Dist., 30, c. 6, Friedberg, i, p. 108. See also Deuteronomy xxii, 5.

The epic, the lyric, the idyllic faculties, perhaps the dramatic also, seemed to be all there, and yet all sundered, scattered about in small fragmentary poems. "In Memoriam," as we think, explains the paradox. Mr. Tennyson had been employed on higher, more truly divine, and yet more truly human work than either epos or drama.

Among the opinions as to In Memoriam current at the time of its publication Lord Tennyson notices those of Maurice and Robertson. They "thought that the poet had made a definite step towards the unification of the highest religion and philosophy with the progressive science of the day." Neither science nor religion stands still; neither stands now where it then did.

A Miss Read bequeathed to the hospital the sum of £100,000, and in memory of her a slab beneath a central window is inscribed: "In Memoriam Cordelia Read, 1879." It was due to her beneficence that the extension building was added. In Cranley Gardens, which takes its name from the secondary title of the Earl of Onslow, is St. Peter's Church, founded in 1866.

We know how gradually the infant acquires a mastery of its sensuous experience; and it is likely that for a long time after it has obtained command of its single experiences it remains unaware of its selfhood. In a classic passage of "In Memoriam" Tennyson has stated the case with that blending of witchery and scientific precision of which he alone among the poets seems capable:

"That nothing walks with aimless feet That not one life shall be destroyed, Or cast as rubbish to the void, When God hath made the pile complete." In Memoriam Week 25 Lecture IX Bees in the Hive

"Where do you mean to begin?" Charlie sternly inquired. "It just happens that I'm reading 'In Memoriam, myself. I read ten stanzas a day." Hilda bent over the book with him. "But I must stand up," she said, with sudden fire. "I can't recite sitting down." They all cried "Bravo!" and made a circle for her. And she stood up. The utterance of the first lines was a martyrdom for her.

whom he had loved for thirteen years, but whom his poverty had prevented him from marrying. The year is made further remarkable by the publication of In Memoriam, probably the most enduring of his poems, upon which he had worked at intervals for sixteen years.