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Now, do not Papists place worship in their cross and crucifix? yet do they place no holiness in it per se, but only per aliud, in respect of Christ crucified thereby represented, and they tell us, that creaturae insensibili non debetur honor vel reverentia, nisi ratione rationalis naturae; and that they give no religious respect unto the tree whereon Christ was crucified, the nails, garments, spear, manger, &c., but only quantum ad rationem contactus membrorum Christi.

"Hector," said the Antiquary, indignantly, "if you do not respect her misfortunes, respect at least her old age and grey hairs: this is the last stage of existence, so finely treated by the Latin poet Omni Membrorum damno major dementia, quae nec Nomina, servorum, nec vultus agnoscit amici, Cum queis preterita coenavit nocte, nec illos Quos genuit, quos eduxit."

"Hector," said the Antiquary, indignantly, "if you do not respect her misfortunes, respect at least her old age and grey hairs: this is the last stage of existence, so finely treated by the Latin poet Omni Membrorum damno major dementia, quae nec Nomina, servorum, nec vultus agnoscit amici, Cum queis preterita coenavit nocte, nec illos Quos genuit, quos eduxit."

I shall never forget the solemn tone of expression with which he summed up the incapacities of the paralytic the deafened ear, the dimmed eye, the crippled limbs in the noble words of Juvenal, "'Omni Membrorum damno major, dementia, quae nec Nomina servorum, nec vultum agnoscit amici."