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With all good wishes, Faithfully yrs, S. Penelope Melvyn. As I closed and directed this how far away Harold Beecham seemed! Less than two years ago I had been familiar with every curve and expression of his face, every outline of his great figure, every intonation of his strong cultivated voice; but now he seemed as the shadow of a former age. He wrote in reply: What did I mean?

A member of Parliament, farther up the seat, who had been patronizing New Year's Day races in a portion of his electorate, bawled loudly to his companion about "the doin's of the 'Ouse". In the perky youth I discovered a professional jockey; and when he found that I was a daughter of Dick Melvyn, the one-time great horse-breeder, he became very friendly.

I laughed long and sardonically, apostrophizing myself thus: "Sybylla Penelope Melvyn, your conceit is marvellous and unparalleled!

"Most emphatically I am." "Then all I can say is that I haven't much respect for you, Miss Melvyn.

Was it a joke just a little of my old tormenting spirit? Would I explain immediately? He couldn't get down to see me for a fortnight at the least. . I explained, and very tersely, that I had meant what I said, and in return received a letter as short as my own: Dear Miss Melvyn,

The weather had taken a sudden backward lurch into winter again, so we had a fire. Harold sat beside it all the time, and interposed yes and no at the proper intervals in grannie's brisk business conversation, but he never addressed one word to me beyond "Good afternoon, Miss Melvyn," on his arrival, and "Good night, Miss Melvyn," when leaving. I studied him attentively all the while.

My mother shook her head over me and trembled for my future, but father seemed to consider me nothing unusual. He was my hero, confidant, encyclopedia, mate, and even my religion till I was ten. Since then I have been religionless. Richard Melvyn, you were a fine fellow in those days! A kind and indulgent parent, a chivalrous husband, a capital host, a man full of ambition and gentlemanliness.

"Harold, it is shameful to teach a little innocent child such abominable slang; and you might give her a decent nickname," said Miss Beecham. "O'Doolan, this is Miss Melvyn, and you have to do the same to her as you do to me." The little thing held out her arms to me. I took her up, and she hugged and kissed me, saying: "I luz oo, I luz oo," and turning to Mr Beecham, "zat anuff?

His uncle, George Melvyn, his father's eldest brother, who had so often and so kindly set us up with cows, had offered to take him, and his father had consented to let him go. George Melvyn had a large station outback, a large sheep-shearing machine, and other improvements.

I say nothing in condemnation of it, but merely point out that it did not then interest us, as we were not living in that shop just then. Mrs Melvyn must have found favour in the eyes of the specimens of the lords of creation resident at Possum Gully, as all the matrons of the community hastened to call on her, and vied with each other in a display of friendliness and good-nature.