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"Excuse me, Miss Melvyn, but your grannie has commissioned me to find you as we want to have lunch, and it appears you are the only one who knows the run of some of the tucker bags." "How do you do, Mr Beecham? Where are they going to have lunch?" "Over in that clump of box-trees," he replied, pointing in the direction of a little rise at a good distance.

I was only the daughter of old hard-up Melvyn, consequently I had little weight with the children, which made things very hard for me as a teacher. One day at lunch I asked my mistress if she would like the children to be instructed in table-manners. "Certainly," her husband replied, so I commenced. "Jimmy, you must never put your knife in your mouth." "Pa does at any rate," replied Jimmy.

"Dick" Melvyn was as renowned for hospitality as joviality, and our comfortable, wide-veranda'ed, irregularly built, slab house in its sheltered nook amid the Timlinbilly Ranges was ever full to overflowing.

"'Pon my honour, Miss Melvyn, I had no idea it was you, when I said " Here he boggled completely, which had the effect of reviving my laughter. "You had no right to be dressed like that deceiving a fellow. It wasn't fair." "That's the best of it. It shows what a larrikin Don Juan sort of character you are. You can't deceive me now if you pretend to be a virtuous well-behaved member of society."

"Seeing your name on yer bags, an' knowin' you was belonging to the Bossiers, I ask if yer might be a daughter of Dick Melvyn, of Bruggabrong, out by Timlinbilly." "Yes, I am." "Well, miss, please remember me most kindly to yer pa; he was a good boss was Dick Melvyn. I hope he's doin' well. I'm Billy Haizelip, brother to Mary and Jane. You remember Jane, I s'pose, miss?"

"To Five-Bob Downs, the camp of yours truly," he replied. "I haven't got a dinner dress, and am not prepared. I will go home." "We have plenty dinner dresses at Five-Bob without any more. It is Miss Melvyn we want," he said. "Oh, bother you!" I retorted. 'Wen are such stupid creatures, and never understand about dress or anything. They think you could go to a ball in a wrapper."

His big brown hands were clasped behind his head, his chin rested on his broad chest, his eyes were closed, he occasionally thrust his lower lip forward and sent a puff of breath upwards to scatter the flies from his face; he looked a big monument of comfort, and answered his aunt's remarks lazily: "Yes, aunt, I'll do my best;" and to me, "Miss Melvyn, while here, please bear in mind that it will be no end of pleasure to me to do anything for your enjoyment.

It was right enough to be unearthed as Miss Melvyn, grand-daughter of Mrs Bossier of Caddagat, and great friend and intimate of the swell Beechams of Five-Bob Downs station. At Goulburn I was only the daughter of old Dick Melvyn, broken-down farmer-cockatoo, well known by reason of his sprees about the commonest pubs in town.

While waiting for her, Harold happened to say it was my birthday, and Mr Goodchum tendered me the orthodox wishes, remarking, It is surely pardonable at your time of life to ask what age you have attained today?" "Seventeen." "Oh! oh! 'sweet seventeen, and never been kissed'; but I suppose you cannot truthfully say that, Miss Melvyn?" "Oh yes, I can."

She grew thin and careworn, and often cross. My father's share of the work was to break in the wild cows, separate the milk, and take the butter into town to the grocer's establishment where we obtained our supplies. Dick Melvyn of Bruggabrong was not recognizable in Dick Melvyn, dairy farmer and cocky of Possum Gully. The former had been a man worthy of the name.