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"I was born here; I cast my first vote here; for several years I've been a property owner and have paid my taxes without lying to the tax-assessor. It is notorious that Donnelly is worth half a million, and yet he is assessed upon a house worth about seven thousand. You have called me a meddler; you apply the term every day.

"I thought it my duty to inform this man of your character. I have advised him to put his money into a savings-bank." "Curse you for an impertinent meddler!" said Coleman wrathfully. "I'll get even with you for this!" "You can do as you please," said Luke calmly. Coleman went up to the farmer and said, abruptly, "You've been imposed upon by an unprincipled boy.

Verily, in thee is the saying made true, 'A parasite and a meddler." I hung down my head for shame and made him no answer, whilst his companion would have restrained him from me; but he would not be restrained. Presently, they rose to pray, but I hung behind a little and taking the lute, tuned it after a particular fashion and stood up to pray with the rest.

'You don't speak out, Lawford; you mean SHE won't. 'It must at least seem to have been in part of my own seeking, or contriving; or at any rate she said it of my own hereditary or unconscious deserving. 'She said that! Mr Bethany sat back. 'I see, I see, he said. 'I'm nothing but a fumbling old meddler.

President Wilson had sent a telegram urging ratification for party expediency and U. S. Senator Harris went to Atlanta to lobby for either ratification or no action, but he was denounced by the legislators and the President was called a "meddler."

"Ha! The meddler again! Stung you that time, my friend," he shouted, and fired at me a third time. They were the last words he was ever to utter. One moment his dark, venomous face craned toward me above the smoke of his revolver, the next it was slowly sinking to the ground in a contorted spasm of pain and rage.

Millicent Splay did not connect Harry Luttrell with Stella Croyle. It would have been better if Hillyard, that very night, had enlightened her. But he was neither a gossip nor a meddler. It was not possible that he should. It is curious to recollect how smoothly the surface water ran during that last week of peace. Debates there were, of course, and much argument across the table.

The plot would have been a success but for the keen-eyed Quincy who examined the scales and discovered the imposition. Mr. Strout declared it was all a joke and that he was going to own up when he got ready to do so. This explanation was accepted by some and scoffed at by others. Naturally, Mr. Strout looked upon Quincy as a meddler.

Had I been a man of many words, a meddler, a busy body, I had not acted thus kindly by him; but now I will tell you a tale which befell me, that you may be well assured I am a man sparing of speech in whom is no forwardness and a very different person from those six Brothers of mine; and this it is." The Barber's Tale of Himself.

"It would have been embarrassing if the bullet had found its mark." He met her eyes squarely, and she saw that his were totally free from surprise or agitation or interest. "Do you play chess?" she asked, divertingly. "Chess? I am very fond of that game." "So I should judge," dryly. "I suppose you look upon me as a meddler.