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Next Louisiana seceded, but still we did not trouble ourselves with gloomy anticipations, for many strangers visited the town, and our parties, rides, and walks grew gayer and more frequent. One little party shall I ever forget it? was on the 9th of March, I think; such an odd, funny little party! Such queer things happened! What a fool Mr. McG made of himself! Even more so than usual. But hush!

T t endorsed it with his approbation and belief in it, and ever afterwards called me "Ces jolis yeux bleus." Gibbes and Lydia were with us too." April 19th, 1862. Another date in Hal's short history! I see myself walking home with Mr. McG just after sundown, meeting Miriam and Dr. Woods at the gate; only that was a Friday instead of a Saturday, as this. From the other side, Mr.

Nay, methinks this fraction of man's anatomy were some compensation for the rib lost by the 'grand old gardener, Adam." * The recent conduct of Mr. Livingstone renders him unworthy of my notice. His disgusting praise of Belle Boyd, and complete ignoring of my claims, show the artfulness of some females and puppyism of some men. M. McG.

"By thy interested worshippers by shuffling W -e, by Z M -y, Lawyer S -ns, W -m S -th, T -l B -n, Sir G -r McG -r, and Dom M -l "Appear! "By thy talented votaries "Descend! "Still heedless! Then by the living B -m, and the shade of C -g, come! "Rebellious and wayward spirit! There is one potent spell, one powerful name, which shall force thee trembling to my presence. Now

Let the improvident literary hack; the starved impecunious Grub Street debtor; the newspaper frequenter of sponging-houses, remember this in their criticisms of the vile and slavish Yankee. * I make no pretension to fine writing, but perhaps Mrs. Hardinge can lay over that. O, of course! M. McG. The Declaration of Independence grants to each subject "the pursuit of life, liberty, and happiness."

We would not believe such stories of any young ladies, much less these; for if they are true, their conduct must have been perfectly disgraceful. But though we know these stories to be lies, it does not prevent their being discussed in camp."... Lydia saw Mr. McG , too, at Lynchburg, who sent me his "regards." Poor fellow!

An' everybody knows, or if they don't they soon will, that the initials 'R. McG. was on that fool boy's saddle. All right, Miss Pickett! Let 'er flicker. Only them Wells Fargo detectives don't get to ask me no questions regardin' that girl's husband. Not a dog-gone question!

If you compare my suggested formulation to another one, keep in mind that variations of 25 percent one way or another won't make a significant difference, and adding other beneficial substances to my recommendations probably is only helpful. However, I would not want to eliminate anything in the list below, it is the minimum: Beta-Carotene 25,000 iu Selenium 100 mcg