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Dinner was finished at the Brierly camp when a telephone message from the Higginbotham camp requested Professor Brierly to come down there that evening, if it was convenient. McCall and, as an afterthought, Hale, were included in the invitation. After their arrival Justice Higginbotham began without preamble: "What conclusions have you reached with reference to these murders, Professor?"

Rube was not wasting any balls, a point I noted with mingled fear and satisfaction. For he might have felt that he had no strength to spare that day and so could not try to work the batters. Again he swung, and Manning rapped a long line fly over McCall. As the little left fielder turned at the sound of the hit and sprinted out, his lameness was certainly not in evidence.

While in the 7th infantry I was in the company of Captain Holmes, afterwards a Lieutenant-general in the Confederate army. I never came in contact with him in the war of the Rebellion, nor did he render any very conspicuous service in his high rank. My transfer carried me to the company of Captain McCall, who resigned from the army after the Mexican war and settled in Philadelphia.

I thought that if I could but send a message to the captain, and entreat that I might be allowed to do my duty at my gun, he would liberate me while the action lasted. For a long time, not an officer came near me. At length, to my great satisfaction, I saw Dr McCall.

All that's necessary to make this complete is a murder or two and it would be like old times indeed. What brings the representative of the press here?" Jimmy briefly told McCall the reason for his visit. McCall nodded and turned to Professor Brierly. "This is a coincidence, Professor, or, not so much of a coincidence at that. Judge Higginbotham's camp is about two miles down the lake here.

The team let up in that inning or grew over-confident or careless, and before we knew what had happened some scratch hits, and bases on balls, and errors, gave us three runs and left two runners on bases. The disgusted bleachers came out of their gloom and began to whistle and thump. The Rube hit safely, sending another run over the plate. McCall worked his old trick, beating out a slow bunt.

Samuel W. McCall, in his work on "The Business of Congress," says that the Speaker "usually scrutinizes the bill and the committee's report upon it, and in case of doubt he sometimes refers them to a member in whom he has confidence, for a more careful examination than he himself has time to give."

But there is a certain sense of home-snugness and comfort in the presence of tame dogs and of women like Kitty: one cannot be long in the room with either without throwing them a kind word or petting them in some way. Doctor McCall was just the man to fall into such a habit.

I have seen too many careless autopsies made and read too many loosely written reports to have abiding faith in such things." McCall nodded emphatically. "Professor Brierly is right there, of course. I have seen, in my official capacity, the things he mentions." "So have I," chimed in Higginbotham, Fletcher and McGuire. "Very well, then," said Professor Brierly.

But that, too, is all in the game and in the spirit of a great player. "We're on," said Spears; "now keep with him." By that the captain meant that Mac would go down, and Ashwell would hit with the run. When Vane pitched, little McCall was flitting toward second. The Bison shortstop started for the bag, and Ash hit square through his tracks.