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Allister McBeth he really was, but, with their usual avoidance of baptismal names, the neighbours had given him a more descriptive title. He had earned it himself, for he was named after the strange guttural sound which he was in the habit of making deep in his throat, whenever his anger was roused.

He stepped back and stared so wildly at the minister that the young man hastened to add for his own personal safety, "But I have much Highland blood, you know, and plenty of Lowland Scotch, too." Alas! how little he knew of the spirit of the McBeth! "A Lowlander!" It was all Catchach could utter, but the tone in which he said it showed plainly that if Mr.

"Yes, I did meet a man," responded the other readily, glad at having made an impression at last, "a man named McBess or some such name." "McBeth it would be," said old Andrew, "Allister McBeth, Catchach they call him. He's a danderin' bit o' a firebrand." "Were you speakin' to him?" Wee Andra shot out the question and took refuge in a huge gulp of tea.

McBess," he said stiffly, making the fatal error of failing to detect McBeth in Catchach's lisp, "I am neither Highland Scotch nor can I speak the Gaelic." Catchach let go his coat; a quiver of mortal disappointment passed over his face. "And whoever has told you such falsehoods," continued the young man with some heat, "is an untruthful mischiefmaker!" Catchach's fiery countenance became rigid.

Miss Wirt put her two great double-knuckled hands round a waist of her two pupils, and said, 'My dear children, I hope you will be able to play it soon as well as your poor little governess. When I lived with the Dunsinanes, it was the dear Duchess's favourite, and Lady Barbara and Lady Jane McBeth learned it.

"Yes, sir." Hal's hand fell on the other's shoulder, and the Doctor's fingers went up to it for a quick pressure. "I thought I'd like to see the wheels go 'round." "You've come to the right spot. This is the good old cash-factory, and yours truly is the man behind the engine. The State, I'm It, as Napoleon said to Louis the Quince. Where McBeth sits is the head of the table."