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"What can I do to-night, Batouch?" she said. "There are the femmes mauresques," he began. "No, no." "Would Madame like to hear the story-teller?" "No. I should not understand him." "I can explain to Madame." "No." She stepped out into the road. "There will be a moon to-night, won't there?" she said, looking up at the starry sky. "Yes, Madame, later." "What time will it rise?"

The walls, if not tiled, are whitewashed, and often beautifully decorated in plaster mauresques. In the centre of three of the four sides are huge horseshoe-arched doorways, two of which will probably be closed by cotton curtains.

The situation of Trouville is thus described by Blanchard Jerrold, who knows the district better than most Englishmen: 'Even the shore has been subdued to comfortable human uses; rocks have been picked out of the sand, until a carpet as smooth as Paris asphalte has been obtained for the fastidious feet of noble dames, who are the finishing bits of life and colour in the exquisite scene. Even the ribbed sand is not smooth enough; a boarded way has been fixed from the casino to the mussel banks, whither the dandy resorts to play at mussel gathering, in a nautical dress that costs a sailor's income. The great and rich have planted their Louis XIII. chateaux, their 'maisons mauresques' and 'pavillons

But they gave the name of Mauresques to another and different class of romances, of which the heroes are chevaliers, who have nothing of the Mussulman but the name.