United States or Mauritania ? Vote for the TOP Country of the Week !

This was his day; and he had just counted his coins, and was slowly tying them up again in the brown holland bag, when Frank's knock reached his ears. Mr. Maunder Slugge Leslie paused, shook his head as if incredulously, and was about to resume his occupation, when he was seized with a fit of yawning which prevented the bag being tied for full two minutes.

The agreement in them between the positions determined, on separate grounds, for the ultra-Neptunian traveller was merely an odd coincidence; nor can we be certain, until it is seen, that we have really got into touch with it. Jour. of Science, vol. x., p. 185; Maunder, Sunday Mag., January, February, March, 1882; Campbell, Publ. Astr. Pac. Roy. Not., vol. xxvii., p. 179; Astroph. Astr. Pac.

It's in your own hands now, sir, and don't you be thinking of being too good-natured; there ain't no good comes from it. A man may maunder away his mind in softnesses till he ain't worth nothing, and don't do no good to no one. You can give her bread to eat, and clothes to wear, and can make her respectable before all men and women. What has he to say?

"Flyblown, do I look?" inquires Bingo, with dispassionate interest. "Well, yes, decidedly," Beauvayse agrees, without removing his eyes from the whitewashed verandah-pillar at which they blankly stare. "Streaky yellow in the whites of the eyes, and pouchy under 'em?" Captain Bingo demands of his young friend with unmistakable relish. "'Yes' again? And I grouse and maunder?

George had a restful, host-like way of playing the rôle of opposite to every one who preferred being heard. "I'll wager the boy hasn't been reading the papers these three months," Amory opined in his pleasant drawl. "No," St. George confessed; "no, I haven't. They make me homesick." "Don't maunder," said Chillingworth in polite criticism.

"'All ready, your worship, saith Bill, saluting like a soldier. "'Then, one, two, dree, and shutt! cries Squire Maunder, standing up in the irons of his stirrups. "Thereupon they all blazed out, and the noise of it went all round the hills; with a girt thick cloud arising, and all the air smelling of powder.

Keep a kettle boiling, and some warm clothes ready. Perhaps we shall be hours away; but have no fear. Maunder is the boy for snow-drifts." The young man being of a dark and silent nature, quite unlike his father's, made no reply, nor even deigned to give a smile, but seemed to be wonderfully taken with the dog, who in many ways resembled him.

The public-houses kept scouts on the look-out; while fierce men drank and swore deep oaths of vengeance in the bar men who did not maunder in their cups, nor grow foolishly merry, but in whom liquor called forth all the desperate, bad passions of human nature. Indeed, all along the coast of Yorkshire, it seemed as if a blight hung over the land and the people.

Men who had heard the old Major maunder on for years past on his pet subject, hardly knew how much vitality would be found in him when his maundering had succeeded in giving him a committee. A Governor from one of the greater colonies had already been under question for nearly a week, and was generally thought to have come out of the fire unscathed by the flames of the Major's criticism.

All of his eight children died except his youngest son Maunder; his own strong frame was shaken sadly; and his loving wife lost all her strength and buxom beauty. He gathered the remnants of his race, and stricken but still unconquered, took his way to a long-forgotten land. "The residue of us must go home," he said, after all his wanderings.