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There was little difficulty in collecting the money, and the book may now be seen preserved in a glass case in the ambulatory at Romsey. It is worth notice that in this book the Psalms are so divided that the first 109 would be recited at Mattins in the course of a week, the others being used at Vespers during the same time.

After that I manifestly knew the will of the God Osiris, when mattins was ended, I went from one to another, to find him out which had the halting marke on his foote, according as I learned by my vision; at length I found it true: for I perceived one of the company of the Priests who had not onely the token of his foote, but the stature and habite of his body, resembling in every point as he appeared in the night: he was called Asinius Marcellus, a name not much disagreeing from my transformation.

A figure detached itself presently from the dark mass of the stalls and came down to where they were sitting. Frank perceived it was Father Hildebrand. "We're singing Mattins of the Dead, presently," he said in a low voice. "It's All Souls' Eve. Will you stay, or shall I take you to your room?" The Major stood up with alacrity. "I'll stay, if I may," said Frank. "Very well. Then I'll take Mr.

I have sat up to say my mattins and finish this diary. It is now nearly the third hour of the morn, and Monday Night, 23d Nov. 1006. I had written as far as the word "and," when I was alarmed by a loud cry from the chamber next my own, which was occupied by the Etheling. I rose, and knocked at the door, but, receiving no answer, opened it and went in.

Mark. P.S. They don't say Mattins, which I'm inclined to think rather slack. But I suppose I oughtn't to criticize so soon. To those two letters of Mark's, the Rector replied as follows: The Rectory, Wych-on-the-Wold, Oxon. June 29th. My dear Mark, I cannot say frankly that I approve of your monastic scheme.