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Do you know, there was once a poor devil of a musician who had set my Zwei Grenadiere, and to whom I gave no end of help and advice, when he wanted to make an opera on the legend of the Flying Dutchman, which I had treated in one of my books. Now he curses me and all the Jews together, and his name is Richard Wagner." Mathilde smiled on vaguely. "You would eat those cutlets," she said reprovingly.

Mathilde murmured to Pete: "Who are they talking about?" "A mixture of Alcibiades and Bill Sykes," said Adelaide, catching the low tone, as she always did. "He's the district leader and a very bad influence," said Mrs. Wayne. "He's a champion middle-weight boxer," said Pete. "He's the head of my stevedores," said Farron. "O Mr. Farron," Mrs.

She has been an instructor and adviser to the Princess Mathilde, and has had many young ladies in her classes. In her portraits she succeeds in revealing the individual characteristics of her subjects and bringing out that which is sometimes a revelation to themselves in a pronounced manner. Is not this the key to the charm of her works?

You really think you are in love with this Wayne boy, don't you? It's immensely to your credit, darling," she went on, her tone taking on a flattering sweetness, "to care so much about any one who has such funny, stubby little hands most unattractive hands," she added almost dreamily. There was a long pause during which an extraordinary thing happened to Mathilde.

A great man like Heine must necessarily have such moods about a little woman like Mathilde; but the important fact remains that for some twenty years Heine was Mathilde's faithful husband, and that the commonplace, pretty, ignorant, pleasure-loving, bourgeoise Mathilde was good and faithful to a crippled, incomprehensible mate.

Because, if she did not take it, he would carry it off to bed, and reading in bed is bad for the eyes. "Just a moment, Mathilde," he would say, and finish a paragraph. Sometimes he went on reading, and forgot about her, to look up, a half-hour later, perhaps, and find her still standing there, immobile, firm. Then he would sigh, and close the book.

Mathilde could not overlook this nor mistake its purpose. When the ladder was nearly all in the air, its movement ceased. We knew then that Mathilde had the other end of it. Presently the window became faintly alight. "They have lighted a candle, to read the note," I whispered.

"Please, Mathilde," begged Hedwig. "It is very important." Mathilde sighed. "As Your Highness wishes," she agreed, and went grumblingly back to the study overlooking the walled garden. "You may bring his supper when it is ready," Hedwig called to her. Mathilde was mollified, but she knew what was fitting, if the Princess did not. The omelet spoiled in the pan.

Lanley doubted that this had been a regular custom, but he knew it would be unwise to argue the point; so he started fresh. "When a young man is attentive to a girl like Mathilde " "But he isn't," said Adelaide. "At least not what I should have called attentive when I was a girl." "Your experience was not long, my dear. You were married at Mathilde's age."

Then they became hazy and returned from their journey, whilst he exclaimed: 'Oh! you speak for yourself! I should do wrong to kick the bucket. No matter, your book sent me into a deuced fever. I wanted to paint to-day, but I couldn't. Ah! it's lucky that I can't get jealous of you, else you would make me too unhappy. However, the door had opened, and Mathilde came in, followed by Jory.