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But she reflected that so, after all, had she; and that seemed to weaken the argument. In the end she decided not to send the letter. He had never spoken to her of his engagement to Gwendolen Matcher, and his letters had contained no allusion to any sentimental disturbance in his life. She had only his few broken words, that night by the river, on which to build her theory of the case.

Dawnish." Lady Caroline gave a stare and a gasp. Her distracted hand groped for her boa and she began to wind it mechanically about her long neck. "It would really be an enormous help to us and to poor Gwendolen Matcher," she persisted pleadingly. "And you'd be doing Guy himself a good turn."

Margaret had said, detaining the photograph as he pushed it aside, and struck by the fact that, of the whole group, he had left only this member unnamed. "Oh, only Gwendolen Matcher I've always known her . Look at this: the almshouses at Guise. Aren't they jolly?"

Roderick Dawnish, of Malby, Wilts, and Gwendolen, daughter of Samuel Matcher, Esq. of Armingham Towers, Wilts, will not take place." Margaret dropped the paper and sat down, hiding her face against the stained baize of the desk. She remembered the photograph of the tennis-court at Guise she remembered the handsome girl at whom Guy Dawnish looked up, laughing.

And then without her having had the courage to ask if the girl in the punt were also Gwendolen Matcher they passed on to photographs of his rooms at Oxford, of a cousin's studio in London one of Lord Askern's grandsons was "artistic" of the rose-hung cottage in Wales to which, on the old Earl's death, his daughter-in-law, Guy's mother, had retired.

The Judge was a first mortgage financier, and he scanned each new addition to his already extensive collection with all the elaborate care which a matcher of precious stones might have exercised in the assembling of a fabulous priced string of pearls.