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Masha was all a-quiver, like birch-bark in the fire; her delicate fingers flew playfully over the guitar, her dark-skinned throat slowly heaved under the two rows of amber.

'It seems to me you have something you want to tell me, she said caressingly, not loosing her hands. Masha shuddered inwardly. 'I? Oh, no, mamma. Masha's momentary confusion did not escape her mother's attention. 'Oh, yes, you do.... Think a little. But Masha had had time to regain her self-possession, and instead of answering, she kissed her mother's hand with a laugh.

You will cry, and I, too; but our tears will be refreshing, tranquilizing tears. We shall talk about my brothers, who will visit us from time to time, and about dear Masha, who will also spend several months every year at Yasnaya, which she loves, with all her children. We shall have no acquaintances; no one will come in to bore us with gossip.

But there was a lack of conviction in his voice, and it seemed to me that both he and Masha hated the peasants. Masha often went to the mill, taking my sister with her, and they both said, laughing, that they went to have a look at Stepan, he was so handsome. Stepan, it appeared, was torpid and taciturn only with men; in feminine society his manners were free and easy, and he talked incessantly.

Masha flushed all over and hung her head. 'What do I want with money? she murmured; 'better get me a situation. 'I will try to get you a situation, but I can't answer for it for certain; but you ought not to make any scruple, really ... I'm not like a stranger to you, you know.... Accept this from me, in memory of our friend....

On his gloomy and sunken face was a look of savage, exasperated regret.... He looked at the adjutant and the major, bent his head like a guilty man, got on his horse without a word, and rode slowly straight to the colonel's quarters. Masha... is living to this day. 'Neighbours' constitute one of the most serious drawbacks of life in the country.

Masha fell in love with Vanya, my son-in-law. And well, he is well-meaning but unfortunate. He is ill. 'Mamma! her daughter's voice interrupted her 'Take Mitya! I can't be in two places at once. Praskovya Mikhaylovna shuddered, but rose and went out of the room, stepping quickly in her patched shoes.

She did not believe in him, and yet she used to ask his advice; when, after a sound sleep after dinner, he got up out of humour, and spoke disparagingly of our domestic arrangements, and said he was sorry he had ever bought Dubechnia which had cost him so much, and poor Masha looked miserably anxious and complained to him, he would yawn and say the peasants ought to be flogged.

Put this on the seat and this to the right." Princess Mary rose and moved to the door, then stopped and said: "Andrew, if you had faith you would have turned to God and asked Him to give you the love you do not feel, and your prayer would have been answered." "Well, may be!" said Prince Andrew. "Go, Masha; I'll come immediately."

I missed her fearfully, and could no longer deceive myself, and tried to get other people to deceive me. My sister was expecting her doctor, and I Masha; and both of us talked incessantly, laughed, and did not notice that we were preventing Karpovna from sleeping. She lay on the stove and kept muttering: "The samovar hummed this morning, it did hum!