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I felt a violent blow in the back which dashed me to the ground, and in an instant our candles were extinguished and we were in darkness. For a few moments I felt paralysed, expecting each instant that I should have to grapple with an enemy; but, save for the whisperings and the distant roar of water, all was silent till Tom spoke. "Have you got the flint and steel, Mas'r Harry?"

"One of my hands was terribly crippled from my hurt, but I managed to bind a couple of paddles together; and then, rowing slowly on, I was thinking that my labour had been all in vain unless I could manage still to save the gold, when, happening one day to turn round to look upstream, I saw that, Mas'r Harry, as seemed to give me life, and hope, and strength all in a moment; and you know the rest."

"How strong that string was, and how it cut!" "How stupid of you to tie it round your hand like that!" I said. "Well, I s'pose it was, Mas'r Harry," he said ruefully; "but one didn't think of it then." "Well, let's have a look at the sharks," I said, as the horror of what might have happened passed off. "No, thankye, Mas'r Harry," said Tom sulkily. "I've had enough shark for one day.

"That won't get away now, Mas'r Harry," he said. And then stepping cautiously along over the sand, which gave way and seemed to shiver beneath our feet, we reached the end of the vault, and with very little difficulty climbed from cranny to cranny till we gained the opening a mere slit between two masses of rock through which we had to squeeze ourselves, and then wind up and up between block after block, that looked as though they had been riven asunder in some convulsion of nature.

"Now, dar, Tom's down wal, course der's room for some nigger to be up and why not dis nigger? dat's de idee. Tom, a ridin' round de country boots blacked pass in his pocket all grand as Cuffee but who he? Now, why shouldn't Sam? dat's what I want to know." "Halloo, Sam O Sam! Mas'r wants you to cotch Bill and Jerry," said Andy, cutting short Sam's soliloquy. "High! what's afoot now, young un?"

The old groom moved a couple of paces away from the door, humming a song about a coachman who loved a turnkey's daughter. Almost mad with excitement, Dick stood in the darkness of the hut with his outstretched arms shaking and quivering. He was afraid he would shout, and bit his finger-nails to help to repress the wild desire. 'Mas'r Dick. In an instant he was crouching again by the door.

Never mind, my boy," he added, good-humoredly, seeing Tom still looked grave; "I don't doubt you mean to do well." "I sartin do, Mas'r," said Tom. "And you shall have good times," said Eva. "Papa is very good to everybody, only he always will laugh at them." "Papa is much obliged to you for his recommendation," said St. Clare, laughing, as he turned on his heel and walked away.

Peggotty still talking to her. 'Now, I'm a going upstairs to tell your aunt as Mas'r Davy's here, and that'll cheer her up a bit, he said. 'Sit ye down by the fire, the while, my dear, and warm those mortal cold hands. You doen't need to be so fearsome, and take on so much. What? You'll go along with me? Well! come along with me come!

"This is a pleasant spot to take a house on lease, Mas'r Harry," he said, as I tore at the woodwork. "Are you hurt?" I exclaimed hastily. "Not as I knows on, Mas'r Harry, only my legs ain't got no feeling in 'em. Stop a minute, I think I can get that one out now."

Dick feared the passing of the minutes which would bring back the chaplain, and yet every minute seemed an eternity. The conflict ravaged his very soul. Was he to take the chance offered him by the strangest trick of Destiny, or remain and die like a rat caught in a trap? 'Mas'r Dick. The door was quietly opened. The old groom's hand fell on his arm and drew him firmly outwards.