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I studied it in a profound reverie for the best part of two dry Martinis and a dividend. I read it backwards. I read it forwards. As a matter of fact, I have a sort of recollection of even smelling it. But it still baffled me. Consider the facts, I mean. It was only a few hours since this aunt and I had parted, after being in constant association for nearly two months.

"These Martinis are surely very strong!" he murmured into his beard reproachfully. "I don't think so." "My doctor tells me that all cocktails are rank poison. They set up fermentation." "In the mind?" asked Craven. "No no in the they cause indigestion, in fact. How poor Adela Sellingworth must have hated it!" "I don't think she did. She seemed quite at home.

"I stayed in Ghorband a month, and gave the Governor there the pick of my baskets for hush-money, and bribed the Colonel of the regiment some more, and, between the two and the tribes-people, we got more than a hundred hand-made Martinis, a hundred good Kohat Jezails that'll throw to six hundred yards, and forty man-loads of very bad ammunition for the rifles.

The carnage was awful; dead and dying of the enemy lay in heaps where they had fallen, mown down by the deadly fire of the Martinis; while among them on the knoll where the square had been broken, and in many cases hardly recognizable from the blood and dust which covered their forms and faces, were the bodies of the Englishmen who had perished in the fray.

And the young men hearing these things will grip their Martinis, and pray to Allah, that one day He will bring some Sahib best prize of all across their line of sight at seven hundred yards so that, at least, they may strike a blow for insulted and threatened Islam. The general aspect of the country and character of its inhabitants have thus been briefly described.

The roar surged forward as their line advanced, but it was answered by such a roll of musketry that it was drowned for the moment, and then merged into the general din which told us that our men with Martinis and Sniders were holding their own against the attacking force. When the first attack thus graphically described was made the morning was still so dark and misty that the outlook from the trenches was restricted, and the order to the troops was to hold their fire till the assailants should be distinctly visible.

It is the custom here on New Year's Eve for the men to assemble soon after nightfall and visit each house. Several are fantastically dressed and equipped with every available instrument violin, drum, concertina and accordion. And on this occasion even three old Martinis were brought into requisition and fired at frequent intervals throughout the night.

He no longer ate lunch. The days were too short, and his noon hours and his office were as crowded as at any other time. By the end of the day he was exhausted, and, as never before, he sought relief behind his wall of alcoholic inhibition. Straight to his hotel he was driven, and straight to his rooms he went, where immediately was mixed for him the first of a series of double Martinis.

Montague noticed that the whole staff of the club leaped into activity whenever the Major appeared; and when he was seated at the table, he led off in this fashion "Now I want two dry Martinis. And I want them at once do you understand me? Don't stop to get me any butter plates or finger-bowls I want two cock-tails, just as quick as you can carry them!"

"I think for once I shall have a cocktail," said Braybrooke, signing to an attendant in livery, who at that moment came from some hidden region and looked around warily. "You will join me, Craven? Let it be dry Martinis. Eh? Yes! Two dry Martinis."