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Ha, ha! he, hee! cried La Guyol and La Sabatiere, looking close at each other's prints Ho, ho! cried La Battarelle and Maronette, doing the same: Whist! cried one ft, ft, said a second hush, quoth a third poo, poo, replied a fourth gramercy! cried the Lady Carnavallette; 'twas she who bewhisker'd St. Bridget.

La Guyol, La Battarelle, La Maronette, La Sabatiere, retired instantly to their chambers Whiskers! said all four of them to themselves, as they bolted their doors on the inside. The Lady Carnavallette was counting her beads with both hands, unsuspected, under her farthingal from St. Antony down to St. Ursula inclusive, not a saint passed through her fingers without whiskers; St. Francis, St.

The queen of Navarre was sitting with her ladies in the painted bow-window, facing the gate of the second court, as De Croix passed through it He is handsome, said the Lady Baussiere He has a good mien, said La Battarelle He is finely shaped, said La Guyol I never saw an officer of the horse-guards in my life, said La Maronette, with two such legs Or who stood so well upon them, said La Sabatiere But he has no whiskers, cried La Fosseuse Not a pile, said La Rebours.

The lady De Baussiere fell deeply in love with him, La Battarelle did the same it was the finest weather for it, that ever was remembered in Navarre La Guyol, La Maronette, La Sabatiere, fell in love with the Sieur De Croix also La Rebours and La Fosseuse knew better De Croix had failed in an attempt to recommend himself to La Rebours; and La Rebours and La Fosseuse were inseparable.