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"I believe we could do it," says she. "And you're willing to try?" asks Vee. Marion nods. "Then," says Vee, "Mr. Biggles ought to be told that he needn't wait around any longer." "Oh, I don't see how I can," wails Marion. "He he's such a " "A sticker, eh? I know," says Vee. "And it's a shame that he should have another chance to bother you. Torchy, don't you suppose you could do it for her?"

At that moment a loud knocking was heard at the door, and the voice of Marion, one of the maid-servants, was heard outside. On the door being opened, she and her companion Isabel burst in with excited looks and the information, pantingly given, that the "sodgers were comin'." "Haud yer noise, lassie, an' licht the fire pit on the parritch pat. Come, Peter, let's hear a' aboot it."

During this time they had really been making as rapid progress as the up-hill way and their doubt of the road would allow. Flossy made no reply to this harangue, for the reason that a sudden turn in the path brought them into bright light and the sound of a ringing voice. "There!" whispered Marion as the mammoth tent came in view. "What did I tell you?

In any case she would have admitted Roger to her heart, for it was plainly very empty since the loss of her son, whom she had loved so dearly that she did not speak of him to Marion, but being slow of movement she might have taken her time over it; and it was necessary that these two should love each other at once.

The neighboring clergy now marked the conduct of Marion with a keener eye; and discovering in him no symptoms that pointed to recantation, they furiously pressed the bishop to enforce against him the edict of banishment. At this time, Marion with his lovely Louisa, were living on a small farm in the vicinity of Rochelle.

Greene arrived at Charlotte, North Carolina, in December. He found an army badly equipped, wretchedly clothed, and confronted by a greatly superior force. He had, however, some excellent officers, and he did not scorn, as Gates, with the stiff military traditions of a regular soldier, had scorned, the aid of guerrilla leaders like Marion and Sumter.

It was Marion Andrews. Delia ran to overtake her. Marion stopped uncertainly when she heard herself called. Delia, breathless, laid a hand on her arm. "I wanted to speak to you!" "Yes!" The girl stood quiet. It was too dark now to see her face. "I wanted to tell you that there are suspicions about Monk Lawrence. You are being watched. I want you to promise to give it up!"

And the names of his gods are Washington, Jefferson, Putnam, Marion, Hancock, Henry, and the lot! The History of the United States is his Bible, ma'am, and its warriors and statesmen are his saints and prophets.

Often when Marion spoke of him, which she did without the slightest reserve and with no reference as to whether Dicksie liked it or not, it had been in Dicksie's mind to bring up the subject of the disagreeable scene, hoping that Marion would suggest a way for making some kind of unembarrassing amends.

In fact, if I had not spoken quite distinctly, I should have thought that he did not hear what I said. "Lord Kilmore," he said, "I think I ought to tell you at once " Then he stopped and looked at Marion. She became very red in the face. "Father," she said, "Bob and I " Then she stopped too. I waited for a long time.