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"In consequence of your repeated entreaties for a proetenda in the cloister of Marienfliess, We, of our great goodness, hereby grant the same unto you; hoping that, in future, you will lead an humble, quiet life, as beseems a cloistered maiden, and, in especial, that you will always show yourself an obedient and faithful servant of our princely house. So we commit you to God's keeping!

Duke Philip alone went away into the town to examine the library, and all the vases, pictures, statues, and other costly works of art, which his deceased uncle, Duke Johann Frederick, had collected; and these he delivered over to the marshal's care, with strict injunctions as to their preservation. Let him therefore send an order for her admission to the cloister of Marienfliess.

In Stolpschen, for instance, three fellows had been caught plundering the corn, and the peasants nailed them up to a tree, and whipped them till they dropped down dead. Well might Satan laugh over the sin and wickedness that reigned now in poor Pomerania. Item, he related how the peasants in Marienfliess were going to burn a witch, without trial or sentence.

The baker's daughter prayed, but in vain, that the coachman might be hung upon the next tree. Then they all set off homeward, but Trina screamed so loudly, that his Grace stopped, and ordered a couple of stout huntsmen to carry her to the neighbouring convent of Marienfliess, where, as I am credibly informed, in a short time she gave up the ghost.

Let her go then to Stettin, and demand justice there. Illa. "She had been there, but the Duke refused to see her, and to her request for a proebenda in the convent of Marienfliess had returned no answer.

How Sidonia demeans herself at the Convent of Marienfliess Item, how their Princely and Electoral Graces of Pomerania, Brandenburg, and Mecklenburg, went on sleighs to Wolgast, and of the divers pastimes of the journey.

Other important facts I have gleaned from the Diary of Magdalena von Petersdorfin, Priorissa of the convent of Marienfliess. She was an old and worthy matron, whom Sidonia, however, used to mock and insult, calling her the old cat, and such-like names.

But she revenged herself on the shameless wanton in no other way than by writing down what facts she could collect of her disgraceful life and courses, for the admonition and warning of the holy sisterhood. This little book the pious nun left to her sister Sophia, who is still living in the convent at Marienfliess; and she, at my earnest entreaties, permitted me to peruse it.

So he stopped the carriage, and alighted to see if the twenty or thirty balls he had shot into it were still there. His Highness, however, recoiled horror-struck, and asked who she was. She was Sidonia von Bork, and prayed his Grace yet once more for the proebenda in Marienfliess.

After this, Sidonia disappeared again for a couple of years, and no man knew whither she had flown or what she did, until one morning she appeared at the convent of Marienfliess, driving a little one-horse waggon herself, and dressed no better than a fish-wife.