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Patriots form the court; but will its members have energy enough to defend the fatherland against our foes? There is hope in Robespierre; he is virtuous. There is hope above all in Marat. He loves the people, discerns its true interests and promotes them. He was ever the first to unmask traitors, to baffle plots. He is incorruptible and fearless.

In the same street, Nos. 23, 13, 9 and 5, and at the corner of the Rue du Paon and Rue de l'École de Médecine, the houses have ancient turrets, and are stated to have been built in the reign of Charles VII. In the house, No. 18, of the latter street, in a dirty backroom, Charlotte Corday stabbed that beau idéal of monsters, Marat.

Well, then, I will kill him. I will be the Charlotte Corday of this Marat." Gindrier claimed the body of Baudin. The Commissary of Police only consented to restore it to the family on exacting a promise that they would bury it at once, and without any ostentation, and that they would not exhibit it to the people.

Her selection of Marat still remains to be accounted for. He was, indeed, the most violent of the Jacobins, but not the most dangerous, and the death of several others might have been more serviceable to the cause.

And when, last July, the murder of Marat brought an entire holocaust of victims to the guillotine from Adam Lux, who would have put up a statue in honour of Charlotte Corday, with the inscription: "Greater than Brutus", to Charlier, who would have had her publicly tortured and burned at the stake for her crime Deroulede alone said nothing, and was allowed to remain silent.

But if Randal Leslie had rested himself in the squire's gardens, without walking backwards and indulging in speculations suggested by Marat, and warranted by my Lord Bacon, he would have passed a most agreeable evening, and really availed himself of the squire's wealth by going home in the squire's carriage.

Other falsehoods just as extravagant are nearly all grotesque. "Simonneau, mayor of d'Etampes, is an infamous ministerial monopolizer." Delessart, the minister, "accepts gold to let a got-up decree be passed against him." Cf. "Placard de Marat," Sept. 18, 1792. Cf. See also subsequent numbers, especially No. 680, Aug. 19th, for hastening on the massacre of the Abbaye prisoners.

I had the court and the town in my house for six months.... The Academy, finding that it could not stifle my discoveries tried to make it appear that they had emanated from its body." Three academic bodies came in turn the same day to see if he would not present himself as a candidate. Marat, indeed, is constantly claiming the post of temporary dictator.

The trial opened with the examination of witnesses; into that of the cutler, who had sold her the knife, she broke impatiently. "These details are a waste of time. It is I who killed Marat." The audience gasped, and rumbled ominously. Montane turned to examine her. "What was the object of your visit to Paris?" he asks. "To kill Marat." "What motives induced you to this horrible deed?"

A call was issued for the election by manhood suffrage of a National Convention, and a committee of surveillance was appointed with the bloodthirsty Marat as its motive power. At the instigation of this committee large numbers of royalists, constitutionalists, and others suspected of holding kindred doctrines, were thrown into prison.