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"What is thy name, worthy old man?" inquired Halil. "My name is Manoli, your Excellency." "Call me not Excellency! Dost thou not perceive from my raiment that I am nothing but a common Janissary?" "Oh! I know thee better than that. Thou art Halil Patrona, whom may Allah long preserve!" "Thou also dost seem very familiar to me.

This sailor-man had just such a long grey beard as the Grand Vizier himself. "How dost thou come to know me?" inquired Damad Ibrahim of the old man. "Why we fought together, sir, beneath Belgrade, when both of us were young fellows together." "What is thy name? "Manoli." "I remember thee not."

It was the body of a sailor named Manoli, who greatly resembled him, and sacrificed himself in Damad's behalf. But the Grand Vizier has escaped and none can tell where he is. Go now, and tell that to those who sent thee hither!" The dead bodies of the victims were still lying in the streets when Sultan Achmed summoned the Ulemas to the cupolaed chamber. His countenance was dejected and sad.

"But I remember thee, for thou didst release me from captivity, and didst cherish me when I was wounded." "And therefore thou wouldst lead me to the executioner? I thank thee, Manoli!" All this was spoken while they were passing through the garden on their way to the fatal chamber into which Manoli disappeared with the Grand Vizier.

The Kizlar-Aga and the messengers of the insurgents waited till Manoli came forth again. He came out, covering his face with his hands, no doubt he was weeping. The Grand Vizier remained inside. "To-morrow you shall see his dead body," said the Kizlar-Aga to the new Reis-Effendi, and with that he sent him and his comrade back to Halil.

Thou hast just such a white beard as had Damad Ibrahim who was once Grand Vizier." "I have often heard people say so, my master." On arriving opposite the Zuleima Mosque, the boatman brought the skiff ashore. Halil pressed a golden denarius into the old man's palm, the old man kissed his hand for it. Then for a long time Halil gazed into the old man's face. "Manoli!" "At thy command, my master."