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But one glimpse of moonlight fell upon the slouched hat and cloaked figure, and the boat's crew, engaged in the dangerous task of navigating the reef in the teeth of the rising gale, paid no attention to the chaplain. "By George, lads, we're but just in time!" cried Mannix; and they laid alongside the schooner, black in blackness. "Up ye go, yer honour, quick!"

I expect that shortly after this gets into the proper hands Sautee will be in jail, and he will be handy to tell you this is all O. K. Mannix took up the reward notice, put it with the note, and jammed the two pieces of paper into an obscure pigeonhole in his desk. "Filed!" he said aloud.

Then they make a point of being up to the minute just to score off you." The train, as Priscilla prophesied, was strictly punctual. It was drawn up at the platform when she leaped off her bicycle in front of the station. As she passed through the gate she came face to face with Frank Mannix supported by the station master and the guard. "Hullo!" she said. "You're my cousin Frank, I suppose.

Mannix let you go up there yesterday because he felt sure he could get you when he wanted you again, and he figured you'd make some break that would give him a clew to your pals, if you had any. You went to jail because you knew he didn't have anything on you." Sautee grinned in triumph. "How do you know I won't beat it with the money?" asked Rathburn. "I don't," said Sautee quickly.

It looks to me as if the finishing of this play is all up to you." "Oh, no, it isn't," said Sautee confidently. "You'll be most mighty glad to take out after him." "Suppose you wait an' see how quick I start," Mannix retorted angrily. "What's the matter? Didn't he carry out your orders? I suppose you gave him a bundle of money to make off with. Sautee, I believe you're a fool!"

Sautee smiled as the deputy hurried out of the room. In a few minutes Mannix returned fully dressed and carrying a rifle. The deputy's face was severe, and his eyes burned with the fire of the man hunt. He signaled impatiently to the mine manager to follow him. As they walked across the little porch and around to the rear of the house where Mannix kept his car the deputy talked fast.

"Hop you out now, Peter," said Priscilla, "and help Mr. Mannix down into the boat. He has a sprained ankle and can't walk by himself. Be careful of him!" The task of getting Frank into the Tortoise was not an easy one for the slip was nearly as slimy as when Priscilla fell on it the day before. Peter, with his arm round Frank's waist, proceeded very cautiously.

Carlisle's face was purple and working in spasms of rage. He realized instantly that Rathburn had spoken the truth. "It was his scheme from the start!" shrilled Sautee from the protection of Rathburn's broad shoulders. Then the mine manager, unable to longer stand the strain, collapsed on the ground, groaning. "Underhanded!" Carlisle shot through his teeth as Mannix stepped back.

Another round of yells followed the mine manager's appearance. Then there was a sudden stillness. Rathburn saw that the crowd was made up mostly of miners. They paused in the wide place in the trail just below the powder house, and Mannix pushed to the fore. "I want you, Coyote," he called sternly.

He explained how Carlisle had pointed out that they had a club over Rathburn's head in their knowledge of his real identity. He complained that Carlisle had intended to double cross him, and how he had double crossed Carlisle in turn. He ended with a whining plea for consideration at the hands of Mannix. The men with Carlisle came down the trail. Carlisle was astride his own horse.