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But they don't permit an innocent person, especially if he or she be one of themselves, to perish." "Well, have your own way," growled Manning, his sullen demeanor only partly concealing the admiration and affection which he entertained for his lieutenant. "What do you wish me to do?" "Take charge of the case while I'm away." "Shall I take any decisive steps if the facts warrant?"

In this, too, he was disappointed. Among the many to whom he displayed Duncan's picture, not one of them had any recollection of such an individual. Feeling somewhat disheartened at this non-success, Manning next sought the chief of police, and enlisted his services in our behalf.

I can remember Father telling how the Manning family, who lived below the hill, knit shad nets all winter. Now one can buy the net already knit practically as cheaply as one can buy the twine. Sail boats dotted the Hudson sloops and schooners loitering up and down the river or tacking noisily back and forth.

Dick Ranney observed this with a grim smile of satisfaction. "He's making things easy for me," he said to himself. As softly and cautiously as a cat he ascended the ladder, but not softly enough to escape the vigilant ear of Manning, who was expecting him.

If you don't get started, you'll never see Manning again. Or if you do, you won't recognize him! Now make up your mind, Connel!" The Solar Guard officer hesitated. "Give me two minutes," he said, "and I'll call you back. Two minutes." "Two minutes," repeated Loring, "and if I don't hear from you by then, or if you try any funny stuff, Manning gets it!"

She was the actress his whim had chosen to play a passive part.... It was one of the most educational disillusionments in Ann Veronica's career. But did many women get anything better? This afternoon, when she was urgent to explain her hampering and tainting complication with Ramage, the realization of this alien quality in her relationship with Manning became acute.

In that case, promise to let me know, and I will come to your assistance." "I will, sir," answered Frank. The time came for Frank to say good-bye to Mr. Manning and Mark, and the house which had been his home from infancy. His stepfather handed him a small pocketbook. "Frank," he said, "in this pocketbook you will find twenty-five dollars. It is not much, but " "I am satisfied, sir," said Frank.

In order to protect the ships and men thus engaged, I directed a body of marines to be landed, for the purpose of making a show by forming and manning batteries to repel any attack, though, had such been made, neither the batteries nor their defenders would have been of much service.

She scuttled hastily up the trail ahead of him, her heavy little hunting boots doing wonders on the rough path. The Secretary's letter disturbed Jim very much. It was not the result he had expected from the Hearing at all. Nor was the letter itself easy for Jim to understand. "MY DEAR MR. MANNING: "There are several facts connected with your work that I would like to call to your attention.

In their service on battleships and cruisers, the marines form a part of the ship's complement for battle, manning the 6-inch, 5-inch, 3-inch, and 6-pounder guns of the intermediate and secondary batteries. They are trained and fully equipped for instant service as landing-parties for duty on shore.